
Ah, I never meant to imply that the price of an ambulance ride was equivalent to a single SoulCycle class. Just that someone who could afford to go regularly would more likely be affluent than not. Maybe that isn’t true. I only have a cursory understanding of SoulCycle.

Well... she could afford Soulcycle. That’s not for the likes of us broke souls, right?

But are you surprised? Scratch the surface and things quickly get seedy.

I... shouldn’t laugh. I SHOUldnt. But I did.

And what about women who don’t have sex? Do they just walk around like thoughtless potatoes?

That’s awesome. I love when people come up with creative teams.

Sort of like receiving little to no exp. for killing a low-level critter or pvp opponent in an mmorpg.

THis sounds so cool! Dammit, another game to buy Xd

Do you think he confuses Omarosa for Carson? I imagine he does.

I feel like people are overlooking a very glaring issue.

But... how would you use Tindr without a cellphone?

That’s... an interesting idea, actually.

This sounds intriguing! I’ll definitely give it a try.

The trophy presenter does not looked jazzed about this.

This show just makes me sad.

Okay, so... for some reason i read this as period as in menstruation. Because someone was talking about those dolls that eat and drink earlier and I thought this may have been a weird dolls thread, and you said “period undergarments”

Dude. Dude!!! I live here! I was literally the first person to report on this or even talk to Ron about it.

A smidgen... lord preserve us.

Why... am I attracted to that face...?

Yeah, I don’t get that. It’s basically the attitude that had people being burned as witches centuries ago...