
And just as people can have dogs as pets and be discerning about where they get them from while despising puppy mills, people can be discerning about where they get their meat and dairy and still despise abusive farming practices. We buy meat from a local butcher that gets local, grass fed, yada yada fancy animals,

While I agree, factory farming is a horror and should be known and stopped, she can not be a vegan and still care about stopping puppy mills.

If they really want to increase their birth rate, they need to switch to abstinence only sex ed

It’s harder to get a license to be a hair dresser than to get a gun. Hair grows back. Dead people don’t.*

AR-15 rounds tumble, they bounce off bones and rip tissue, they splinter.

You can play solitaire on your laptop, so I’m sure you can bring your 3DS.

It’s a way to delay or prevent legislation from being voted on, or in this case, force an agreement to vote on a measure.

Well his argument is bullshit. Literally every mass shooting I can think of was perpetrated by people without a criminal record sufficent to stop them buying guns even with background checks.

I agree with you. The No-Fly List has included people who were innocent/confused with others with similar names. I wonder if the ACLU will contest this.

OMG. Your description of “Jayden” is the perfect male counterpart to the Midwest White Lower Middle Class Woman (but I’d still say Marlboro lights) Jayden will also roll through your drive through and try to scream at you (maybe while high or drunk, hard to tell) about how it’s criminal that 50 big macs cost that much

I mean, southern Ohioans like to be all “OMG Cleaveland right?” but we are JUST as bad. 15 minutes out of Cincy, Dayton, or Cbus and its pretty much all the same.

Obnoxious and shitty. Any group of women who will gang up to beat up a fast food employee is, in my experience, exactly the kind of person who will also try to pretend their glasses aren’t from Sams Club, but from much classier Target and mock or sneer at you if you “look poor” or aren’t tanned, or don’t dump money

So basically their solution is to wait until there is an order to procure and screen print the item and then ship it? Yeah, it solves the issue of meeting the demand, just not in a timely manner.

I’m so so confused. Like print on demand makes sense for thingaverse and like maybe some of the jewelery and t-shirts they sell, but they’re a fast fashion retailer and that so doesn’t gel with the fashion print on demand market that aims to entice people to shell out (‘cause it’s expensive) for staples like shirts

I’m surprised at ted Cruz’s attitude towards women in combat considering he personally knows one who has seen the horrors of battle on a daily basis.

I have mixed feelings about this, but they are mostly about the existence of the draft itself, not about who registers.

Wow at that dude. Just wow.

“It Was Never Not the 90's. (subtitle) A Tale of Ohio”

On the upside when one of those bitches tried to physically pull me out of a (Mcdonalds!) drive through window my small stature and the relative height of the window meant she couldn’t tip me over enough to get me out the window. It did not help her that I was

Here’s hoping they won’t be grinning so shitassedly at their sentencing/child custody hearings.

The three thugs must have felt heroic jumping one woman in front of their young kids.