
I’m not a feminist...? I just consider myself an advocate for women. There are also no evangelical Christians where I come from, so I can’t really compare.

They don’t conceive of rape like a beating or a physical assault as they would if a man attacked another man in an entirely unsexual way.

The part where you think that not wanting to slaughter civilians is somehow a female trait.

I wasn’t being absurd. I just though that it’s the natural outcome of your position that women should be as free to commit atrocities in the name of the military as men. Women killing in the name of the US government seems to be ok by you. Why not do it on their own just like men do?

Except that you offer no proof whatsoever to your assertion. You think that women should sign up for the draft (aka force women into the military) but at the same time claim that no one will ever be drafted. That’s still a contradiction.

I can care about issues that affect women in other countries. Do you, for example, not care that Saudi women are not allowed to drive?

It hasn’t happened since 1973 because there hasn’t been a war since 1973 that required a big number of soldiers. Do you know what will happen in the next years, especially since the world is growing more and more unstable? “NO ONE IS GETTING DRAFTED” is a strawman in my opinion. This argument will only make sense when

You support throwing women into an environment rife with sexual assault. You admit that it’s a huge problem in the military and still support forcing women into that situation. How do you reconcile this with the claim that you do not wanting anybody to be raped?

“American women” means nothing unless you have proof that almost everything single female US citizen wants to serve (or wants other women to serve) in the military. Some American women might want to go into combat. I reckon a bigger portion of American women are against the military and war altogether. Anti-war

Registration for selective service is the logical next step on an equal rights track women have been working their way down for decades.

That’s very strange logic. Men get raped in the military so...we need to get women into the military so that they can be raped too (or even instead of men)...?

I am convinced that people who post proposal videos on the Internet are raging narcissists.

How can you sacrifice something that you never had to begin with? =

Of course the fact that the US does not offer paid maternal leave is horrible (and I imagine embarrassing for some Americans), but how is relevant to your initial point? America is not the only country where mothers are expected to sacrifice everything for their children.

What makes you think that this is unique to America?

The AfD only became popular after the migrant crisis. Before it only got about 2-3% of the vote. Now that Germany has taken in 1 million refugees they are close to 20%. Are you really going to pretend that the two are completely unrelated?

And that resulted in a huge rise in popularity of a Nazi party in Germany. Do you think that it’s a good thing?

Yep. I’d rather we make men cover up.

How are Palestinians relative to any of this?