
Meh, you can always look at it as monetary compensation for all the unpaid emotional and physical labor that wives will inevitably be doing in a marriage.

What’s wrong with the language I used in my OP? I asked a question based on a comment someone made.

Woman actors?

Europe, (North) Africa and North America.

Zombies exist where you live? Cool.

How and why? Mainstream porn is free. I don’t know much about porn made for women but I think that you need to pay for it since it’s not popular.

I think that happened a couple of months ago...?

I don’t understand your first sentence. Gawker wrote an article about straight porn aimed at women....and? How is it relevant to boys growing up watching mainstream porn?

Games of Thrones and the Walking Dead are never presented as reality. They features creatures like dragons and zombies, so of course people know that it’s not real.

Why would boys watch porn made for women?

Might also be her foreign, “unamerican” accent.

That’s niche porn, it’s not mainstream. The majority of the people who watch it are women, I believe.


The average age of first time porn viewing is 11 years old.

You just rewrote what I’ve stated. Why turn a sentence into long paragraphs?

Most porn includes women and the majority of porn that straight men watch includes women. Straight men, men who are going to engage in sexual relations with women overwhelmingly watch porn that is degrading to women.

We take on the beliefs of our society and culture. Society and culture hold extremely anti-women beliefs and have held them for millennia. Even all women hold hostile beliefs towards themselves and other women. And yet men are the ones who managed to magically avoid internalizing them?

Basically saying that the feelings of disrespect for women and even wanting to do bad things to them comes from other areas of life besides porn, primarily isolation and introversion. Porn can cause a rise in feeling, but isn’t the cause, therefore I concluded that yes if you fall in #1 type of person you can watch


I already answered that question in another comment.