
All the cast will do well. They all have big bombs recently but their careers never take a hit. This has to be an elaborate money laundering scheme, because no one can be that full of shit to think that this particular cast would be able to pull this off with this shitty writing.

because most parents have to think to themselves “how will this name look on a resume?” and others..don’t

So tell me how I am wrong then. Does not the Catholic Church go in to large parts of rural Africa and tell women their greatest accomplishment is birthing babies? Time Magazine did an article on that. As well as the shunning of birth control. National Geographic did an article about the Catholic Church in rural China

The Catholic Church has the biggest grift of all time. Pray to God, give the man “representing” him money and maybe you will go to heaven. If you give him more however, you are upping your chances. A religion with the largest wealth ever amassed and yet they tell their people to live in poverty, tithe and just be

Nope, try again.

It’s worse than medieval. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that taking abortifacients before the “quickening,” when the woman can feel the fetus moving, was purportedly ‘wrong.’ Abortion likely has been a part of human history for as long as pregnancy has been. All the temper tantrums by antichoice nuts won’t change

They prefered Trump over Clinton even if they didn’t vote for anyone.

There are enough people who say “fuck everything” and support him to win elections. Why don’t we cater to those people!? Oh wait it is the same people who voted for Trump. Sanders voters won!

Tom Perez needs to stop desperately sucking up to Bernie and his (not reliable) supporters and completely give up trying to flip Trump loving white people and instead focus on registering more Dems, getting the huge chunk of Dem voters who tend to not bother to vote to actually be motivated to come out to the polls,

Justice democrats is a shitty “The Young Turks” offshoot. They were the ones that influenced so many to stay home in November. They spouted that, “THE TWO PARTIES ARE THE SAME,” rhetoric that got us in this shit situation in the first place. Fuck these guys.

No one is saying that trans people need to be exterminated. Chill the hellllllllllll out.

You cheapen the discourse by using the term “TERF.” Radical feminists have always been critical of gender. We see it as the main tool the patriarchy uses to keep women down. Therefore the ideal world of trans-activists and radical feminists are fundamentally opposed and I don’t think we’ll ever see eye-to-eye on this.

Gender (Identity) is nothing but an artificial straight-jacket imposed upon people since birth. We would all be a lot happier if people would “identify” (whatever the hell that means) as people first and after that they can “identify” as a purple sheep for all I care. Hell I’ll even address them as Mr/Mrs. Sheep if

I think that’s fair, but it doesn’t address the question, what is a woman? What does it mean to be a woman? Look, I’m not being antagonistic here, I respect the humanity of trans-women. But the thought process expressed in this article doesn’t pan out—it’s logic is flawed. I will say however, the idea you express

I think the poster you replied to raises a good point though—how do we define “man” and “woman?” If gender is a social construct, as opposed to a biological dichotomy, and we don’t have “men’s brains” and “women’s brains,” and “performance” is an aspect of gender, and it’s not about shared experiences, and it’s not

Attempts to redefine reality affect us all.

You’re absolutely right. It’s not a debate. A debate is a discussion between two sides which each have facts. The pro-trans position is entirely emotional and based on the childish and ludicrous notion that gender is a “social construct” and is little more than a fashion choice. Gender is biological and exists purely

Why can there be no debate? Why do you get to decide? Why are you silencing women born as biological females?

If you are human and possess X/Y-Chromosome pairs, you are male regardless of any surgery, drug-therapy, makeup, attire, personal belief/feeling -OR- politics. It’s simply SCIENCE!!

Wow. And this was a really great article. Very informative.