
First they came for the twitter, and I did not speak out…

For the plot of the movie yes, absolutely. I don't think the show will do anything in re: the actual plot of the movie. But I do think the show is already establishing the two sides and building the atmosphere that leads up to Civil War. To say they're doing NOTHING is ignoring all the conversations that keep

"It seems kind of like they want to portray Boat SHIELD as being
sympathetic and having good intentions but may be misguided. However,
they just come off as being so unlikeable and hypocritical."

You're right in that the events of the show aren't impacting the movies, but the show is laying track for Civil War. The rising paranoia about supers, and NuSHIELD's belief that they need to be contained—that's Civil War stuff. No, it won't be secret identities, but the movie version of registration will revolve

Or if Gonzalez was like, "I don't want to deal with this alien shit, you handle it," and Coulson said, "Okay," and they establish SWORD under Coulson and then the show ends.

Edison wasn't a hack. He was a very smart businessman who also happened to be a bullying bag of dicks.

I don't mind the Frigga stuff from The Dark World because even a monster can love his mother. It felt more like building on their relationship in Thor 1—we get to see a little bit that Loki and Frigga have a good relationship. If anything that makes Loki worse. He's not a sociopath or anything like that, he's just a

The thing that gets me about Tumblrizing comic book villains (I know Ward was created for this show, but for all intents and purposes, he's a comic book villain) is that it requires wilfull disregard for murder and/or genocide. I don't care how hot Loki is—he directly caused the deaths of thousands of people, plus he

After you see this, you have seven days to live.

At the rate these leaks are going, no one will be left in Marvel's marketing department by the end of the week.

"there was a rumor going around that they intentionally leaked the trailer."

They weren't his redshirts, though. They were FBI. If anything, Agent Beef Beardcake escaping makes the point that only SHIELD is in position to handle the really bad/weird stuff. And Coulson was a high-ranking SHIELD agent before everything went kablooey. Stands to reason he's just as capable of cold calculation as

I actually think this show would benefit greatly if they played up that angle. SHIELD and Hydra have been gutted, by arrests, by deaths, by people quitting. Sure, there are a few good agents on both sides, but they're overwhelmed and understaffed and recruiting from a shallow pool. Show me Coulson dealing with the

I like to think if Tripp were available to be a regular, they'd kill off Ward in a heartbeat and all that screen time, and more, would go to Tripp. He's one of the best things to come out of Agents of SHIELD.

You're in for a disappointing time. Hawkeye's got a significantly rejiggered backstory in Age of Ultron which perfectly explains why Marvel was free to dump Mockingbird on this show. The only way Mockingbird and Hawkeye make sense as a pairing in the MCU is if they were like a ships passing in the night type fling

I took it as—everyone at SHIELD who has seen her in action tries to copy Black Widow, but none of them can successfully Black Widow.

I liked her in large part thanks to Hayley Atwell's performance. I thought she hit the right balance of dignified lady and ass-kicking agent. Plus her chemistry with Chris Evans was really good, so I found them to be a believable couple (unlike Thor and Jane, who have the chemistry of a wet towel).

I don't think they assumed this kind of success either, but they still outlined a three-phase multiverse and never thought to include anyone else. That's just a problem for me. I still love the Marvel movies, but I'm not going to lie—it grates that they don't care about the superheroines I grew up loving. I got into

Eh, I think it's the idea that now Marvel can sell anything. To me, there's literally no excuses left for not doing a female/minority standalone. If you can get people on board with Rocket and Groot, you can damn well sell them Captain Marvel or Black Panther.

In the comics, yeah, but the movies have done nothing to establish that Natasha is superpowered. In fact, Winter Soldier seemed to retcon her origin to exclude that aspect of her backstory. As far as we know, she's just a highly skilled/trained operative like Hawkeye.