
I’d say that, fully patched, Cyberpunk is a solid 6 or 7 out of 10. It’s got some amazing parts and some really terrible parts.

To be a snob about it, writing in videogames is always embarrassing compared to a novel or high end tv show. Still, books and and tv shows are essentially “on rails” and games like Cyberpunk and Fallout give us a unique experience of living in a detailed fantasy world with a cool tone.  I’m forever thankful for the

Dark was tightly plotted and amazing but 1899 was stupid as fuck.

It basically went the Lost or Doctor Who: Flux route where the writers just kept kicking the can down the road until they eventually ran out of road, and then tried to pass off a lazy hackneyed ending that only addressed about half the plot cul-de-sacs

It is not favoritism. It’s just that Sony is not the one being examined here because they are not trying to make a $69B acquisition. I totally agree that Sony is being somewhat hypocritical in their submissions, but the regulators are not going to turn around and start wagging their finger at Sony for their actions —

i am a critic and i have EVERY right to review a show that falls in the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genre. i’m happy you enjoyed it. that has nothing to do with me. 

that’s the thing right her torturing a young boy, for like... a second, and then everyone rejecting/condeming her isn’t macabre, it’s just psychopathic behavior and it’s not enjoyable as macabre humor/dark comedy.

simply because something is not ‘for me’ doesn’t mean that i cannot review it lmao. i enjoy quite a lot of YA fantasy series, and this failed on multiple levels. sorry you’re not impressed, but i don’t really write to impress you specifically. thanks for the comment!

Trash comment

“so ick, I don’t even wanna bother putting into words what it says about you.”

I see you enjoy the anonymity of the Internet to spew toxic rants at people. Care for a cookie? 

i mean... you’re certainly allowed to have your opinion... but i’m a little bummed you don’t seem to have one besides ‘this review, like you, is trash’ like... what part of this review is ignorant?? what part is skewed???? at least tell me what you think this article about a mid at best tv show says about me.

If you spent eight episodes doing this stupid stolen blood plot”

Definitely agree with pretty much everything you’re saying.

But like . . . what kind of show are you then?”

Saying all the comedy was “cringe” and “forced” really isn’t a good look dude. It wasn’t, from an even mildly objective perspective. I guess do you also loathe Deadpool? If so, then that’s fine, but your issue is a matter of taste, not any kind of genuine failing. If you like Deadpool and hated this, well I have

They absolutely pulled it off, and it really doesn’t matter if some fraction of the audience didn’t vibe with it, especially when none of you can muster a coherent explanation of why it “didn’t work” outside of “I didn’t like it”. Yours is the closest to coherent (in your earlier post), but it’s not very close.

It worked.

I’ve already responded on this downthread. My point is there’s a difference between an incredibly unlikely one-off supposed “error” that just happens to be wildly racist, and an error that’s happened multiple times but wasn’t racist before, and this time it is. The former is so much unlikely “bad luck” that the more

Well a lot of micro-aggressions are genuinely unintentional and purely the result of unfortunate ignorance/entitlement or societal racism leaking into behaviour patterns (my company does a lot of training on this kind of thing lol), so I think this is a little different. But yes they want to be able to “do a racism”

On a side note, is The Last of Us really seminal ? Other than a remaster a sequel and now a remake, are there a lot of games inspired by The Last of Us out there ? Days Gone maybe ? But isn’t it structured in a more open world way ?