
Tyler the Creator is likely not strictly heterosexual. The problem IMO is Tyler made it quite clear in various ways that he did not feel the same way (implicitly and explicitly) and Jarrod seems to think that makes him a bad guy.

Agreed. I think that’s the point (you can see the trajectory with his character, and it makes sense why he acts the way he does) - but that does not change that he’s unlikable. It’s okay that he’s unlikable honestly!

...but I don’t have a neuromuscular disorder...

So is it out in 2023 or 2024. Am I misreading or does this article say both multiple times.

Nowhere in this article is this presented as a problem.

There is 0 chance that referring to this Link in that way is unintentional. That’s why every article written about TotK uses the phrase. Hilarious

The research seems to consistently show that married men live longer yes. There is quite a bit of research however that seems to show unmarried women live longer than their counterparts.

Stealing from a transphobic billionaire might make you worse than being a transphobic billionaire is - certainly a take!

If you truly care to understand this. Read the article linked in the post, which I’ll put here to make it even easier for you -

My standing resolution every year is to steal more from Wal Mart than last year. I was going to reply to Sonofthunder7 but decided I preferred giving some props to a like-minded person. I wonder if they will come tell me I’m a thief or a bad person or something if they read this. Spoilers: I’m both! (But not becuase I

I know the review of RE3 Remake was not written by you and the link is there more to increase clicks and as a result of the way online journalism/blogging works - but it’s weird to follow the link to the RE3 Remake review - which is breathless in how much it loves the game and especially how it treats Nemesis in it -

I hesitate to type this because there is probably no point. But do you not see that because there is a (racist) trope/belief that Africa and Black Africans are uncivilized, dangerous savages - whereas no such trope exists for mid-size American city full of white people (the zombies in the OG games are all white I

Also a thing in Canada since we have a lot of close ties to Britain/UK. Just so people don’t come up in here (as they already are) trying to claim it’s not a thing outside of a small area. To be clear - not what you were saying I know!

Well there’s a whole lot to unpack in this comment.

I played through and beat this game. Enjoyed it too - although honestly only because I did the entire thing in co-op with a friend. It’s not a bad game by any means, but it’s most definitely essentially just a Pokemon clone. Some of the changes to the battle system are refreshing for sure (no points to use attacks,

Possibly relevant - I’m in Canada, and use the Reddit app on Android.

Phew! Let’s be friends!

As a Muslim in Toronto Canada, I can tell you Masjid is used most often. If you are hearing Mosque a lot, it may be because you are not Muslim and we code-switch when speaking (likewise when Mosque is used in the official names of Masajid).

Not sure you will see this as I think I’m grey’d (I don’t comment enough to know how this all works. But wow! You are really succinctly saying what I often think about when it comes to games and especially game story-telling. A lot of the games held up as “seminal” (the word that kicked this off) just simply do not

I know you will probably not see this. But just for my own understanding. The Buzzfeed article you linked contains a quote from one of the SpiceDAO people which says “We can’t just scan it and put it on the internet,”.

But that other link in this article is literally to a copy which HAS been scanned and put on the