
I don’t know what he expected when he tells a best friend who’s not homosexual that he has intense feelings for him. Things to not get weird?

Aaron Moten’s Maximus isn’t an unlikable character

In Canada, we need photo ID present at the gate in order to board for domestic flights

I’m so exhausted of late stage capitalism. When do we get to the part where we put CEOs and shareholders in a guillotine?

Gaming culture’s fascinating. It’s like the perfect consumer culture, because the guys within it don’t believe they’re consumers, and few can make their own cultural capital so they have to buy things that - they think - will make it cool. They need to pre-order every Ultra-Special Limited Edition With Collectible

I fell off Overwatch when the news came out about the Cosby Suite and all related to it. I vowed never to play Overwatch again until Bobby Kotick is off payroll. He’s still there of course, but now even if he wasn’t, I’d still be avoiding OW2 because of this crap.  I’d really love to see the player count over time and

...and yet here you are. You clicked on it. It worked.

In before someone shames you for being old like me and referring to the BotW/TotK Link as the “Hero of Time” because your childhood Link was the OoT/MM Link. Apparently he’s “The Hero of the Wild.”


Pirating makes you worse than someone who gives more money than I make in a year to stopping a marginalized group of people have equal rights? You're a god damned monster.

Are you fucking joking? Saying that people should pirate the work of a transphobic bigot with a massive platform is the same as being a transphobic bigot with a massive platform? That’s such unbelievable false equivocation, did you feel lightheaded after those mental gymnastics?

If you think pirating a videogame makes you “worse” than a bigot using a bully pulpit to spread hate against millions of people, you’re fucked in the head, and should seek help, frankly. Either that or you’re about 12.

I keep forgetting that this is the internet, where people will vehemently defend companies who will rape your mother in front of you for a nickel right before they harvest your organs for fun. any fucking dumbass going “bUt StEaLiNg Is WrOnG” in the comments have to understand that these ‘people’ (if you can call them

I’m not making minorities lives worse by advocating theft from a multinational conglomerate you turnip. god damn you fuckers are thick sometimes.

i don't give a fuck about capitalist views like this. steal from corporations to your goddamn hearts desire 

Considering that Pakistan borders the Indian Ocean, yes, it’s South Asia.

lol idk why people think anecdotal evidence is worth literally anything more than a wet fart. Your experience with one single pakistani person means fuckall.

Yes, it is definately a racist slur.

The term is associated with the epidemic of “P***-bashing” in the 70s and 80s, a number of violent attacks against south Asian immigrants, including the murder of Altab Ali. Or like how the abbreviation of Japanese is associated with Japanese internment camps.

Think Pakistan. And if you’re American, you probably don’t know it because its a British thing