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    I've only seen clips of the so-called pranks in other youtube videos, but what it looks like is basically: every video opens with the father or mother explaining how they're going to "prank" their kids, and then it immediately escalates to screaming and/or destruction. In one video the father and the older son claim

    Also in s1 there was an episode that made it clear that Schmidt wasn't on the lease because only 3 people were supposed to live there. So they were constantly pretending to just be visiting always just leaving whenever they ran into the creepy landlord. (I have definitely been in a living situation where one of my

    Right after Howard has killed Emmett and Michelle is freaking the fuck out, Howard is trying to comfort her and says:

    the name just makes me think of inglorious basterds

    i'm so excited that superstore is getting weekly coverage! one of my favorite on-air shows right now

    I only just realized that AVclub was covering this show. Is there a reason the reviews don't show up under the TVclub section on the front page?

    It was a visually stunning movie. The director's cut is about 45 minutes long, and he removed the original narration, so it's really moving and you get lost in the images and and the music. It definitely is an extended version of the sequence from "Tree of Life" but there's so much more. The underwater scenes are

    What a timely article to appear on AVclub's front page! I literally just saw a screening of the director's cut of "Voyage of Time" tonight in DC with a Q&A afterwards from the man himself.

    I finally got around to watching this show. For the entire run, I have hated Frank every possible moment, and then: bam, these last few episodes they suddenly make up for it and in the finale while he's cradling Lois as she dies, I literally started crying. I wish there had been glimpses of this character throughout

    Not entirely? Did you watch until after the credits? The last shot of the finale seems to pretty clearly imply that they're alive and well. If you haven't seen it, it's of Bedelia sitting at a table set for three and her leg is the meal.

    could netflix? my understanding is that when nbc cancelled hannibal, amazon owned the streaming rights so netflix couldn't pick it up for future seasons. is that not the case anymore?

    I just realized this was picked up for a second season! Or that it had even come out. I just started watching it and was wondering if AVclub is going to be covering s2?

    I created an email address for: impeachDJTrump and signed my name as John Smith. But damn, I should have done the President Bannon thing

    That was the best way to end this article, love it

    I'd give it a solid B and say it's definitely worth a watch. It's easy to binge and it's definitely enjoyable.

    "1. Will is still seeing visions of the Upside Down."
    will was stuck in the upside down in s1 and as far as we know, never really met eleven. also, nancy isn't will's sister. he's the younger brother of jonathan. you're confusing will with mike.

    Honestly, Amy Adams deserved a nomination for Arrival, but I guess Meryl Streep has to get a nod for being Meryl Streep.

    Devoutly religious man who is persecuted for his beliefs and travels to Japan? Basically.

    Almost. In January 2011 'No Strings Attached' came out starring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. But then 7 months later in July 2011, 'Friends with Benefits' came out starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake.

    "Ginsberg’s sudden madness"