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    Cloud Atlas! There’s something about the visual medium that helps to tie all the stories together so much more concretely than the book did. Not to mention, the movie was able to weave in and out all 6 stories seamlessly, mirroring their arcs and working together, while the book was segmented too rigidly.

    This sounds really moving and honest until you remember that literally 2 months ago he was claiming that these stories were all unfounded rumors and that he wasn’t going to dignify them with a response.

    Kinja just reminded me of this so here’s my halloween costume + prop from that year (Rose McIver liked the selfie):

    It could also mean that maybe Jon will finally find out about his true parentage because that makes him both dragon and wolf. Maybe Jon will run into Sam and Gilly (who we last saw several episodes ago) and he'll be more willing to listen to Gilly's reading aloud.

    the title 'orange sticker' also reminds me of the phenomenal season 1 nora-centric episode 'guest' where all the people at the conference who lost loved ones in the departure were given little orange stickers to identify them as legacies. it seems apt that in an episode where nora thinks it's happening again and she's

    when i read this headline for some reason i thought it said 'lucille bluth'…that would be an interesting biopic.

    Well, the show takes place in 1979 and BTK was active starting in 1974. So maybe the show will follow his crimes while the FBI tries to learn what they can about serial killers from the interviews in hopes to catch him.

    honest to god, when grace confronted robert about the jewelry i started crying. i could feel her pain and frustration and humiliation, and the way that robert and everyone in the room (minus frankie) tried to dismiss her feelings, made me hurt more.

    ed kemper is one of the first serial killers douglas talks about interivewing in the book. it's definitely interesting that dennis rader has been cast in this — when the book was published in 1995, he talks about BTK and how no one has caught him yet.

    The BFG. I tend to not spend money on movies I don't want to see so usually all of my movie going is a hit. But this time my older brother wanted to check it out (because Spielberg and Rylance) and bought my ticket.

    After the episode the showrunners discussed the "That's not you" line. It calls back to season 1 when Ned tells Arya that one day she'll be a fine lady and marry a lord. Arya tells him "That's not me" because it's not true to her nature. She'll never be that person. In turn, Nymeria is no longer Arya's pet, she

    I mean, in the book they are battling a type of "darkness" that's attacking the universe and the witches make clear that they all need to fight. Ie. Earth is still struggling and the planet Chris Pine is on has already succumbed. But it's so small scale, it's not "you need to go be a warrior!" it's, "you need to be

    finally watching s12: dee and mac getting stuck in the slide was the woooorst. claustrophobia makes that entire situation seem the most horrific out of everything that happens in this episode

    This book was one of my favorites as a child, mainly because it was intimate. There weren't any huge action scenes or moments of intense drama. Everything was very sleepy and quiet, even at it's most tense, and was all about the character development and their relationships with each other. This trailer seems to fall

    well, for one her family and everybody in their lives know they've split up (which is still very fresh and recent). he's at the hospital bc a mutual friend calls and asks him to check up on her bc everyone else in her graduate program has exams in the morning.

    Well, to be fair to Sweet Home Alabama, the slideshow of photographs that plays along with the credits seems to imply that Josh Lucas follows her to NYC and sets up a shop for his glassware business and she continues with her career so nothing's really thrown away and she's not trapped in her shithole town.

    I liked how near the end of the movie, Paul tells Travis something along the lines of "You don't know what people will do when they're desperate" regarding Will and Kim. But the fact of the matter is, this movie started with Travis, a seventeen-year-old boy, witnessing his father kill Travis' grandfather and burn his

    Yeah, it's completely possible that I'm off base, but there's the fact that clearly nobody really has any /details/ about the sickness and what's going on. It's possible this illness starts with unseen symptoms—night terrors, hallucinations, sleep walking, night sweats, etc—before the physical symptoms of lesions and

    I just saw it with my brother and talked about it after. Our understanding was that Travis was sick from the beginning of the movie? Which is why he's having those vivid night terrors right from the start and he keeps waking up and coughing/gagging on nothing. And that some of those scenes where he's walking outside

    Except Netanyahu and his wife are holding hands right next to Trump. He looks directly at them before he reaches for Melania's hand.