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    Her name is Faye not Fay.

    Rewatching the show for probably the dozenth time. The scene with Don drunk, confronting Betty, always kills me. He feels so fucking self-righteous that he gets to come home and blame Betty for the end of the marriage, that she's the one who's done wrong, and he's so hateful about it. But the fact of the matter is:

    how the fuck does lois the secretary still have a job at sterling cooper? she wasn't a very good phone operator, she was don's worst secretary, and she literally ran over someone's foot. like who thought it was a good idea to keep her employed.

    is avclub going to cover the show?

    From super far in the future, after the end of the show and every episode has been graded, this review gave the lowest grade in the series. In comparison, the the second lowest grade are all B's. This episode definitely deserved better.

    The worst movie I saw in 2016 had to be The BFG. I don't know if it's because I never read the book as a kid, or if I just was having a shitty day, but sitting in the theatre trying to watch that movie was genuinely awful. Even bad movies can usually get away with still being a little entertaining or distracting, but

    I really liked The People vs OJ: An American Crime Story, and it was definitely fun to watch, but I'm not sure if it deserves top billing as show of the year. Especially if we're including OJ: Made in America which I thought was a much more compelling (and complete) telling of the same story.
    I'm glad Insecure made it

    William wasn't shot dead in that last scene — he was shot in the arm, and then grinned because he'd gotten what he wanted. I'm expecting he'll stick around for at least a little bit of s2, even if they do eventually kill him.

    do we really think he killed/was trying to kill logan? i doubt that would endear him to the in-laws if he killed their son. and it probably wouldn't make westworld an appealing company to invest in (to his soon to be father-in-law) if logan had died while on their grounds

    some quick thoughts:
    1) why did william have to strip logan naked before sending him off on the horse? i mean i get it, but at the same time: it was such a weird decision, i was taken out of that scene
    2) when felix found out that bernard was a host and then stared at his own hands, i actually burst out laughing
    3) poor,

    "but the notion that Mickey was the thing holding Ian back instead of the thing holding Ian together toward the end of their relationship is incredibly tough to swallow"

    I'm surprised this review didn't touch on my second favorite scene of the entire revival (first place obviously goes to the lorelai/emily phone call about richard): luke's big rant at lorelai in the kitchen. it felt very much like his entire arc from the very beginning of the show has been leading to this moment. it

    Look, I'm a huge musical fan (picked theatre over soccer as an after school activity in HS, have seen plenty on stage, and own the soundtracks of the rest I haven't) but the 10 minute non-sensical musical scene was particularly grating. It made no sense, the music wasn't actually that great, and it did nothing but

    Technically, to be considered an alum, you just need to have been a former student. So Tristan wasn't a Chilton graduate, but he's still a Chilton alumnus.

    "a trip back to Clinton"
    I'm sure Hillary Clinton would approve.

    Currently rewatching this episode, and I have to agree. I always thought it was strange that Rory immediately jumps to the conclusion that Jess had to have gotten into a fight with Dean. It's the weirdest decision the writers made in the scene. There's literally nothing to suggest that Jess's black eye is from Dean,

    Having just watched the revival, I'd like to say how much I appreciate Jess at the end of "They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?" because out of all the men who Rory has been interested in, he is the only one who never cheats on her, or cheats with her. When she confesses that Dean was right, that she has feelings with

    Seriously! For the most part I've been able to separate the two characters (mainly because Liam McPoyle is just so blatantly gross) but the pitch he hit while screaming was pure McPoyle. It instantly pulled me out of the scene.

    i've noticed a lot of people interpreting rory's scene with christopher as her deciding not to tell logan she's pregnant. did i miss some key dialogue? i never assumed rory wouldn't tell logan: just that she was deciding what this pregnancy meant for her future with or without logan as a partner. i think rory needed

    1) when rory opened the door to the study and we saw the shot of richard sitting at his desk, i literally started crying.
    2) when they were listing off luke's guests, why wasn't jess included? was it just assumed that he would come, or did they honestly forget to mention him? (also, why wasn't he invited to the