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    1) i could bear the musical for maybe 2 minutes. it ran on for 10. that was a rough patch in the episode
    2) i want jess to do something with his life other than show up at opportune moments in rory's to push her to make a change: return to yale, go back to logan, write a book about her life. seriously, i'd rather see

    1) what with the actress who plays gypsy saying she played the role as though gypsy were in love with lorelai, i definitely thought that town meeting moment was her trying to come out
    2) it genuinely bugged me that they tried to pass that fake blond dude off as chad michael murray bc it made me rewind like three times

    hillary duff looks like she's about to start crying. i hope someone gave her a hug after this

    when i was in high school, the guy i liked let me look at his watch and then i "forgot" to give it back to him. it was the friday before spring break, so i spent the next week wearing it. that sounds infinitely creepy, but we wound up dating for seven years after that.

    I agree with the review, I find it hard to care about William or his motivations. I find his storyline to be the most tedious whenever the show gets around to it, and I don't miss those scenes when they're gone (in comparison to Maeve and Bernard's scenes, where I just want to know what's going to happen next).

    I can't really complain about Ed Harris' character, because of the scene when we first see him attack Dolores and comment on how many times they've been there before. There's just something so insidiously terrifying to realize that his character has been returning to this camp, time and again, able to rape and murder

    I don't know if it's because this is the first time I'm watching something with Matt Smith in it, or if I'm just in the minority, but I don't see the charm in his performance? I find it really hard to get through the scenes with Philip because he comes across as a petulant child in most every moment. That's probably

    I hope this means that AVClub is considering weekly coverage of the show? It's one of the few I make a point to watch every Friday morning while I'm getting ready for work (it helps that the episodes are free to stream on yahoo).

    i loved the small reprise of 'i could if i wanted to'

    Also I think Jane said that the person responsible for shooting Michael was also responsible for kidnapping Mateo, so I think it's pretty clear they know Rose is behind this. It's possible the OP means they don't know Rose was ACTUALLY Susannah (so far, I think they just believe they were working together?)

    Raj Sen was portrayed by Anjul Nigam and appeared in s1, s2, and s4 as a psychiatry resident. So technically he was probably the first Indian-American doctor on Grey's Anatomy, he just wasn't a surgeon.

    eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is one of my favorite movies and i don't want this to happen at all. but i'll hold out the *tiniest* fraction of hope that maybe this will surprise me like hannibal or fargo.

    I don't know if this changes your opinion about anything, but rewatching the episode I'm prety sure that the cop in the last scene is a different cop from the two who racially profiled Seth at the beginning of the episode. To me it feels less like a wiping of the slate and more like "there's still good in other

    I'm currently watching the show for the first time (and reading the reviews as I go), and I just wanted to chime in with my personal favorite "perfect dream" episode in a series: Supernatural's S2 'What Is and What Should Never Be' where Dean finds himself in a bright, colorful, cheery world where his mother never

    my heart breaks for claire when she sees that she failed the assignment. i think everyone can relate to that feeling: when you put your all into something, and you genuinely were proud of the outcome, only to have someone in a position of authority make clear that they see no worth in your work. ugh. poor claire

    my heart breaks for claire when she sees that she failed the assignment. i think everyone can relate to that feeling: when you put your all into something, and you genuinely were proud of the outcome, only to have someone in a position of authority make clear that they see no worth in your work. ugh. poor claire

    I read this book when I was 14 after I had already seen the miniseries. I remember how convinced I was that the book wouldn't be able to scare me, since I already knew the story, and then just how truly terrified I was reading the book.

    Has anybody compiled a list of all the licensed music from the show?

    don't mind me, just trying to quietly cry at my desk without my coworkers noticing