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    i tried to make one but there's weirdly a number of netflix-available movies that aren't showing up on the flixtape options? like, they're movies that i've definitely watched on netflix, that are definitely still on the site, but they won't show up if i search for them on flixtape.

    I'm currently watching Peep Show (for frame of reference where my mind is currently at) and I feel like British sitcoms are heavy on cringe comedy? And it's great, they're amazing at it and I love it, it's definitely successful in the UK. But cringe comedy doesn't seem to work too well in the states: think of The

    I never read the book as a kid, so I can't really judge it as an adaptation. But I wound up seeing it this weekend and was mainly just…supremely bored. I kept checking my watch to figure out when the film would finally be over.

    "She dies from delivering Jon, but not before she whispers to Ned that he—meaning Rhaegar—“must not find out,” and what sounds like Jon’s true name."

    "Loras is just as expendable lately. If he was so broken way back when he told Margaery, “Let them win,” why couldn’t he confess then? That’s how it worked for Cersei."

    i honestly didn't recognize loras in the promo for this episode the first time i watched it.

    You would think it would happen soon? She was sentenced for 15 months, and AT LEAST 9 have already passed because Daya had her baby.

    So I'm about a season behind on TMP, but is there a specific reason that Chris Messina has left the show? Is he filming a bunch of movies, working on new shows, or?

    When I saw the back of his head on Sunday's episode I thought he was going to be Gendry

    I remember watching this movie for the first time at a sleepover when I was 12 in 2004. Now I want to rewatch it…

    The only person I could think Sansa might write a letter to would be Robin? He's in control of the Vale armies.

    I really like Dylan O'Brien and Gina Rodriguez so I'm hoping for them this movie isn't terrible.

    This is several years too late, but I just watched the series for the first time. I wanted to say that I really appreciated the parallel moment between Jesse's session and Adele's, when once Jesse is "officially" no longer Paul's patient, Paul immediately opens up to Jesse and answers all of his questions. On the flip

    I tend to agree that the speech scene was mostly just Selina reacting to the news about Nevada, but I think there's definitely an undercurrent of her feeling the loss of her mother. What makes me feel that, is how she lets Catherine play the Tim McGraw song. I think if it really was solely about the votes, Selina

    In the pilot episode the narrator says: "What will serve Michael Cordero Jr. well in the illustrious detective career he will go on to have, is his ability to focus on facts." It's the only thing keeping me calm about the possibility that he might die…

    Humphrey Bogart - Philip Marlowe, The Big Sleep
    Megan Follows - Anne, Anne of Green Gables
    Tobey McGuire - Peter Parker, Spiderman
    Robert Downey Jr - Tony Stark, Iron Man
    Colin Firth - Mr. Darcy, Pride & Prejudice
    Jennifer Ehle - Elizabeth Bennet, Pride & Prejudice
    Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Truman Capote, Capote

    I'm usually an Abbi when it comes to packing, but once when I was visiting a (now ex) boyfriend, I put my passport in his backpack for safe keeping while we taking the train from Paris back to London…we promptly forgot that I'd put my passport in his backpack, until the night before I was set to fly back to the states

    Blaine took the cure - which Ravi had given him for /emergency situations/ only (ie. life or death) - because of his own paranoia at the thought of leaving behind his goons alone/the brain business/etc. When he took the cure he was on the scientist brain, which meant he wasn't as trusting of Ravi's methods at the

    If I could upvote this 1000x I would.

    I love everything about this show, but I've been holding off on watching the final season because I know once I do there won't be any new episodes for me to watch.