Cinema Freaks

I can't agree with the complaints I'm reading here at all. Rick is too powerful now? I guess - but it's played like a joke in both this episode and Pickle Rick. It's so over the top that it becomes silly how much he can do. And it's obviously played ironically - in Pickle Rick, he's able to do all that crazy shit

I dunno, say what you will about the politics of it or liberal virtue signaling, or whatever else - this show sounds way more interesting than Confederate. Obviously there's no way to tell until we see them, but I just think this show's future sounds more appealing so far than the other one leaning on slavery as the

Utter fucking garbage. Why would Frank give up his power that easily after four seasons of single-minded devotion to getting there? After all this, he couldn't manipulate his way into staying in the seat despite the Chinese campaign contribution nonsense? That was too big a hurdle to jump like, a week after finally

Honestly, you can probably take out the American part - maybe it doesn't matter and you're right. But my point stands.

Well my statement was not intended to suggest other countries don't also work hard. I am talking about the stereotype that Americans are just always working - even on holidays, etc. The overworked American businessperson always on a phone, etc. I'm not saying you're wrong or that other countries don't work. Just an

Yeah it would be lame to have her die. I also am now thinking it won't be as simple as "she sees what he does and then blows up on him in a climactic TV Shouting Scene" or something either. It'll be more complex.

I loved the way this finale pulled the rug out from under our expectations of Jimmy "breaking bad"… instead, he takes a step back and actually does some good things again here, including realizing how important Kim is. It didn't just go the easy route of blowing up everything and plunging things into new levels of

I dunno if it'll go full Requiem for a Dream with Kim - heroin OD seems awfully over the top for a show this grounded in reality. But I can see her getting hooked on those pills and it affects her career to the point of ruining it though. That would be such a gut punch.

Jimmy may have been in the right to settle that case sooner, but like a lot of things he's done, he did it for the wrong reason - i.e. purely for money for his own gain, not for them. It was a scam for him. He was justified to feel pissed off at the Sklar brothers and that community service guy too, but there was an

The classic Gilligan 'protagonist turns bad' thing is being done here even more seamlessly than in Breaking Bad. I was mostly done with this episode by the time I realized how much I don't like this incarnation of Jimmy much at all - or Saul Goodman in general actually - compared to how he was.

I always got a whiff of sexism from Howard on that part - he was resentful toward her in a way you don't always see men being toward other guys. Nothing too overt but it was an undertone I caught there.

I always got a whiff of sexism from Howard on that part - he was resentful toward her in a way you don't always see men being toward other guys. Nothing too overt but it was an undertone I caught there.

Yup, they have basically ruined each other in turn. They are a destructive tornado of a family.

I remember Gilligan saying the show would take place before, during and after Breaking Bad. I can't imagine storytellers this good dragging stuff out forever though, so I'm guessing (if they're still doing the before, during and after thing) that we get another couple of seasons with some episodes during BB and then

This episode made it seem like the likely conclusion will be Jimmy using the Saul name just as a placeholder until he gets back on his feet a bit - but of course that doesn't happen and he just slides further into the identity instead…

This, despite being funny in places, was a very sad episode in reality. Jimmy is down the path of no return here. He's already becoming the kind of carnival con-man he'll be as Saul. Not criminal yet but weird and crafty enough to be heading in that direction. I will miss him as the lawyer who actually tried to do a

I am always impressed with the level of snappy, direct writing this has. People saying it's dragged out couldn't be more wrong… of course you can have an opinion, but lesser shows would have waited until the season finale to show an episode like this, and they would have milked it into something gaudier and more

It would be. If you don't like rich, layered character drama, then you won't like the show. But it would unequivocally suck if they sped it up and added more action in place of the drama.

My theory for how Jimmy eventually 'breaks bad' is that somehow, the cartel stuff with Nacho will mix in with his life as a lawyer in a bigger way than it has before. He will start working for them more in some way, or they'll blackmail him or something. It will probably be something out of his control, because I

Lavell Crawford was necessary to bring back for something most likely. He isn't directing or writing or creating anything involved with the show, so it doesn't matter what his personal views are.