Cinema Freaks

What Chuck is doing is a selfish, awful act to put Jimmy down - but he believes what he's saying about it being for Jimmy's good. That's what makes him a compelling character. It's not that he is a top-hat-twirling Villain, but that his awful humanity and hubris have driven him to really believe he's this arbiter of

The point isn't that she can't take care of herself, it's that she'll get into some trouble and her career will take a hit based on circumstances most likely involving Jimmy's shenanigans. In this episode we're seeing that she sort of chooses that path herself - she picks Jimmy knowing what could happen and not really

Kim and Jimmy going down and eventually breaking up somehow is going to be sad as fuck.

I think we're definitely supposed to take away that Rick's actions were questionable here. The show has always toyed around with the "he's going too far" plot twist, most notably when he led his group to murder a bunch of people in their sleep, which got them under the Saviors' thumb in the first place and got Abraham

I'm not sure Eugene's doing this to eventually sabotage Negan and go back to Rick. He really wants to be there. Like, who else in Rick's group does he even care about anymore, or vice versa? They treated him like shit and he found somewhere that does want him around. Pretty interesting character stuff for this show.

It amazes me that people think Bayley was characterized as a good guy. He was an incompetent doofus and clearly not suited for the job he was in. That was the message I got from it, not 'hey, look at what a good guy he is.' That seems like a very shallow viewing of the show.

Yeah, that part makes sense. My problem is really more with Pete's character than with her decision. He was basically just a cardboard cutout for the audience to hate.

Pete really reminded me of Cary Elwes from the first SAW film. Episode was definitely exciting, though I really hate Deanna's switch on killing people - so it's OK to throw everything out the window because it was your own family? Not that I don't understand - I just hope they explore that more next season. And a big