
First of all “nigga” and “nigger” don’t carry the same weight but it is not appropriate for white people to use either. Secondly those movies you watch are manufactured by a white owned right wing corporate studio system owned by mega conglomerates. Racism is woven into the fabric of American culture as is obsessive

So, a white South African from a wealthy family, that was raised in Pretoria during the Aparthied, doesn’t act on racism in his company? That’s a surprise

Always a solid move for a white South African employer to tell a black employee to toughen up and just deal with working alongside a racist.

I wonder how many of the 700 recently fired for poor performance were the canaries in the coal mine screaming about how things can’t be done this way.

I’ll bet they hired people who do understand but ignored them.

General comment on Tesla/Musk. I always find it weird how the tech world circles around and attacks what it once loved (this post is pretty mild in this regard). Is it a size thing? Everyone loved Google for a long time, now many people hate them. Same with Microsoft a very long time ago. And Apple, hell, just about

You’re right...except then there is this:

This just keeps on getting worse.

If they can produce the car without major reliability or quality issues, nobody will remember or care about them being a couple months behind the schedule they made up for themselves. If production gets delayed by years and there are major quality problems, then there might be a debacle. Frankly I’m impressed they’ve

The guy looks like a cunt... he is a cunt.

This guy “Needs a punch in the face” Im not sure why but he sure seems punchable.

Don’t care, still gonna wait for a Model 3.

While I get that some people are overly sensitive to imperfections, based on your writing I don’t see that this guy ever had an actual failure with his Tesla. Quality issues yes, but the car never broke down, nor did any feature ever fail to work.
While there is some substance here, it really feels like someone who is

This is what you get when you let a seventeen-year-old buy an $85,000 car.

I am a VW/Audi/Porsche Service Advisor. And this scenario is a lot of his issues are what happens when a company uses poorly compensated employees to interface with well compensated clients. The client’s expectations are high and the employees are too overworked and poorly compensated to care about the small details

When someone only puts 3000 miles on in six months, I cannot buy that they enjoy driving it every day.

One can acknowledge the flaws of one’s own country while also criticizing the flaws of another. In other words, we don’t have to believe America is perfect to say this particular attitude in Italy is bad.

Italy is Europe’s Alabama.