
It means ingrained into the fabric say for example the police force. In many countries racism is in the blood of police departments.

And you are racist bigoted idiot who believes Hillbot McCarthysm propaganda against Russia. The people of Catalan have a thousand reasons both current and historical to want to break from Spain. Russia has nothing to do with it.

First of all “nigga” and “nigger” don’t carry the same weight but it is not appropriate for white people to use either. Secondly those movies you watch are manufactured by a white owned right wing corporate studio system owned by mega conglomerates. Racism is woven into the fabric of American culture as is obsessive

You are not going to get cut off. TESLA is fine. Their infrastructure is second to none.

So you expect your 4 yr old to bedriving in less than 18 months ? BTW the strongest evidence that you are an out of touch person who so clearly does not “get it” is that you actually believe your 4yr old’s generation will have driver’s licences. The kids who are already 10yrs old will not need a licence.

GM are only having the BOLT made (by LG in South Korea) for credits and PR they are holding back supply of the Bolt they refuse to increase production to meet demand.

They don’t have dealers. The cars and parts went to service centers.

So you waiting for cars that will be years behind TESLA in tech and have nothing close to the extensive charging infrastructure TESLA has built that none of those brands intend to provide ?

I know TESLA drivers who do 30 thousand miles of driving per year.

Oh please you are pathetic in the worst kind of pathetic-ness. Boot and Bonnet are the two lamest most Toff Boarding School Gay terms anyone ever came up with and utterly dumb. Trunk is far more intelligent than Boot. When people travelled on ocean liners they put their stuff in large trunks a container for