
I danced ballet for 20 years. If they let you take ballet in baggy clothes, they are hacks. Girls would literally be kicked out of class if they weren’t wearing leotard + tights. Depending on where you took, it *had* to be black leotard + pink tights, but that’s probably more stylistic than practical. Alignment is

Also, in yoga, you risk revealing too much if your clothes are baggy. My cousin once tried to go to his first yoga class in basketball shorts and I was like, “dude put on some yoga pants or everyone is going to see your balls.”

How I know that tv is bullsht: they show women working out, eating, running, tending to pets/kids, functioning, without their long hair in a ponytail.

As a guy who recently took an aerial class that required I wear leggings, it was amazing how much better my motion was even compared to all but short shorts. I don’t quite see how women have the confidence to wear them out and about or even to the gym because I felt so revealed, but I totally understand them from a

Additionally - in things like yoga, you need to see the body better to make sure you’re doing the positions well. I’m taking an adult beginner ballet class and the instructor told us to wear leotards or tight workout pants because she needs to see how our body looks in the positions. Is the knee extending more than it

Yes, he did. I really liked when he clicked his heels after a jump. Lovely.

This needs way more stars. Well done.


I’m so sick and tired of this argument. Because some people will find a way to get a weapon and hurt people, we shouldn’t do anything to make that harder for them? It’s all or nothing?

Maybe you should explain to your 9-year-old the difference between local and federal laws.

Your 9-year-old deserves better a better influence than you.

Hey fuck face, Indiana is a 30 minute drive to Chicago, with lax gun laws. People go there, buy guns, and bring them to chicago. This is not hard to understand.

I’ll take your word for it even though I know, oh so many, who never pick up after their dogs.

I considered that possibility, and now it makes me sad and grossed out. :(

The point you’re missing is that anyone who says cats are gross because of their litter boxes has no intention of picking up their dog’s poop. So it’s a pet with a litter box versus one they never clean up after.

Yeah, I’m often told by people that they prefer dogs over cats because they find litter boxes gross. Like, more gross than having to bag up dog poop in the rain? I’ll never understand.

And, if your dog approaches and interacts with me, and I make it clear that I do not want to interact with your dog, do not, under any circumstances say, “Don’t worry, he’s friendly.”

I’ve been in workplaces where people’s dogs have:

I’m not anti-dog! I love dogs!

I love my dogs. I love your dogs. I love dogs I see on the street. I love all dogs.