
They think it extends the line of their leg. I’m not sure WHY they think that, because I think it just calls attention to the end of their leg line and often makes it look like they have hooves.

I will watch pretty much anything if Matt Berry is in it.

We had a very sweet Sheltie who was terrified of our houserabbit. The bunny would slowly lope behind him as he cast nervous glances over his shoulder, and if the bunny got to the room first, he’d refuse to enter. Maybe that dog knew something we didn’t.

My favorite pet rabbit house-trained herself. And she watched television. Her favorite show was Sesame Street and if you tried to change the channel when she was watching it she would jump up and bite you until you turned it back.

As a Showgirls scholar, I truly feel they gave it their all and tried to make that scene sexy. I feel like Gina Gershon knew exactly what kind of movie she was in and hammed it up accordingly, but a principled actor like Kyle MacLachlan wouldn’t do an intentionally bad scene like this, and poor Elizabeth Berkley, if

It’s not a scary movie in like, a monster-movie sense, more like a psychological thriller. The ending has a bit more of the violence one might expect in a horror movie, though.

most people who help correct grammar / typos i think are genuinely trying to help, not flaunt their superiority or shame the author!

I don’t get it.

Yeah, I read the whole article assuming Impossible Pool Sex would obviously be at #1, and what the fuck?

Any “bad sex” list without the Showgirls pool scene is dead to me.

Not sure if it fits this category, but 90 percent of the sex scenes on Showtimes “Shameless” - in which everything in a room gets knocked on the floor - are pretty ridiculous (yes, a little exaggeration... a little). It’s almost always frantic and almost always destructive. We get, they’re “passionate.”

Thank you. Came down here to say something along those lines. Best case scenario of bad sex from a lady’s perspective is that it’s wildly unfulfilling and makes you feel weird and used. But yeah, often bad sex is straight up painful.

“What’s that old saying about sex being like pizza? Even when it’s bad, it’s still good?”

Only for men. When sex is bad for women, they have a lot of pain (30 percent of women report pain during vaginal sex. Imagine the outcry if 30% of men had pain.). Bad sex for men is like a 7/10, for women it’s 4/10. Same words,

If you can’t handle “nonbinary” as a concept, you might not be ready to comment on Savage Love? Like, you might want to do some self-education before loudly shouting, “HI I DON’T UNDERSTAND REALLY COMMONLY USED TERMS AND I THINK THAT’S OTHER PEOPLE’S FAULT FOR USING THEM” to an audience of people who are not going to

So not exactly what you describe but I’m married and my husband has a serious girlfriend. This arrangement suits me well - I’m an introvert who is generally reserved and require a lot of time to myself and he’s an extrovert who needs a lot of emotional engagement all the time. The fact that he spends time with someone

Don’t blame the LW for not preventing more molestations. Victims often keep quiet because they fear not being believed, blowing up family dynamics, violent retribution, etc. Just think of all the women who waited for decades to tell the truth about Harvey Weinstein, and they weren’t children when it happened or

And hair too! Thousands of hours washing drying & styling 😱😱😱😱😱

Yeah, you guys really got the bad end of that one. I think last week I combed a whole pickled egg out of my beard.

If there’s one mystery in my life, it’s not understanding men’s face washing routine. Not one man I’ve ever dated has washed their face, while I wash my face morning, night and there’s various other shit I slap on there too. I guess it’s because a lot of women wear makeup? God we really got the shit end in just about

Ketoconazole lifehack: I also have seb derm across the back of my head, and a few annoying spots like the fold of one ear and one elbow (always on the left side, dunno why.) Anyhow, I tried Nizoral keto shampoo and it really did help — but it’s bloody expensive! Like $14 for 7oz. And they seem to have a patent on keto