There’s an Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt episode that specifically delves into how it’s weird as shit to name your baby Linda, and all Lindas are now middle-aged ladies who work in HR.
There’s an Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt episode that specifically delves into how it’s weird as shit to name your baby Linda, and all Lindas are now middle-aged ladies who work in HR.
The newest iteration of that, “Social Media Experts” are the current bane of our existence. They created a whole new language wholesale to hide the fact that they are utterly full of shit.
This middle management’HR nonsense used to dive me up the wall but then I engaged in a community dialogue with the key stakeholders. This conversation lead us to identify shared values and goals from which next steps to maximize results were developed. This community dialogue lead to optimal buy-in to the process as…
Advertising/marketing jargon is the absolute worst, because it’s purposely over-complicated and over-acronym’ed to hide the fact that it’s really, really easy and most of the world is bullshitting bullshitters.
You missed Management Consulting: it’s the profession that basically jumbles all of the other industries jargons into their own super-jargon. Or, as we’d tell a client: we’ve synthesized disparate inputs and optimized lexicon to achieve a higher rate of gobbledeegook.
Getting loads and loads of surgery and denying it and continually putting naked pictures out there of yourself and claiming you are so body positive and all about women feeling good about themselves in their own skin is actually the thing that is gross and un-feminist.
Here’s the thing—what Buzz Rightyear over there wants isn’t to “allow students to be challenged”. He wants Chet McBroFace to be able to stand up in his Women’s Studies class and give a forty-five minute filibuster every day to the professor on how “trannies aren’t real women” and “biologically, men are hard-wired to…
If I posted pictures of myself nekked on the interwebs (Note: No) I certainly wouldn’t want my family members responding to it. Jesus, what at they, the fucking Lannisters?
That is so. A VFW is a safe space, and a really valid one. There’s an initiative here to revitalise it’s use, as it was very effective for prior veterans, and current vets aren’t using them as well as they were one utilised. So, most definitely. I think it’s a vital community resource.
There was a building near where I stayed on my last vacation that advertised itself as a safe space for HIV positive people. Presumably it was a place people could go where they would be free to discuss the issues in their lives with people who understand and free from the judgment and non-empathy they might face from…
Well when I came out and started transitioning back in college a decade (oh god) ago, “safe space” had a very specific meaning. Like, my school’s LGBT Center was a safe space, and all it meant was that there was a place other than my dorm room where I could go without having to worry about getting stared at or called…
I give him credit for that. Really, I do. But that’s not what he’s doing anymore. He’s becoming the thing he once helped to deconstruct. He’s fucking flanderizing *himself*.
The drug thing should be brought up only because it is generally conservatives who believe that one’s life should be made as miserable as possible…
Tim Allen needs to go away.
Reading this article actually reminded me of the health fads of the 19th century, so there was plenty of shit like this as well. The main difference now is that we have actual real, reliable science that tells us what works and what doesn’t, but the charlatan in charge (GP) is still selling the same old snake oil.
100% Team Stripper.
The childless adult who carries protein bars in her purse to avoid the mayhem of being hangry in public - me. I also stick close to my friends with toddlers because they keep the best snacks on deck. The kids don’t mind sharing and my blood sugar doesn’t plummet.
I mean, yeah, my cancer was a “virus + toxins = cancer” thing. The virus was HPV and the toxins here the little bastard cells the virus released that morphed into cancer. Know what got rid of it? Actual medical treatment. Fucking science, goddammit.
I have always loathed GP and GOOP and then recently I realized I’ve totally bought into the same wellness trends, just from different brands and that made me sad. Sad that health is being turned into anti-aging, sad that wellness is becoming a luxury item and sad that I am so easily am duped by it the same way I was…
It boggles my mind how many people fall over themselves to give both Melania and Ivanka the benefit of the doubt and yeah, it is absolutely because they are conventionally attractive white women who dress nicely, speak nicely, and get their hair and nails done.
I see 6 in the front three rows, but that’s still way more than Congress.