
In a state like Missouri, though, you have to play the game. I’m involved with a progressive Jewish women’s organization. Whenever we go to Jeff City, they love hearing from our “faith based perspective.” Our argument is very similar to the Satanic Temple’s - in Judaism, life does not begin until a baby takes its

Isn’t he also known as the bringer of the light or some such? Hey, I’m Jewish; I didn’t grow up with this theology. But I remember hearing about it and wondering why someone who brought light was evil. And maybe it’s because religious leaders want to keep you in darkness so you don’t ask too many inconvenient

All over Missouri, forced-birth politicians are having a Valarie Hodges moment.

Please please please let this mean she is running for office.

You’re focused on the wrong thing. This sentence, not millenials, is where you need to direct your outrage:

No. Gen Y was what Millenials were called before they switched the term to Millenials. The age range for Millenials right now is from about 40 to 23, depending on which definition you go buy (I’ve seen the starting date anywhere between 1977 to 1981, but the cut off date is 1995). As far as I know there isn’t an

Maybe millennials don’t get it

Goddamn in. Our local Emeryville store is on the chopping block,

Bob Mackie Barbies!

I mean, the judge in the Stanford swimmer rape judge let the culprit off easy. That’s why they’re judges – they get quite a bit of leeway in sentencing (leeway that has legal bounds but is still largely subjective).

Aided, abetted, assisted, incited, encouraged, supported, vouched for, silenced for, covered for...all of it.

“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=

That’s all very nice. Now let’s turn our eyes to the people who aided and abetted him all of these years. MSU, we turn our lonely eyes to you.

Megan, you missed the best line in the interview, which is actually from the David Marchese, the interviewer:

Naturally the dumb fuck president doesn’t understand what an ecosystem is and how goddamn vital sharks are to that ecosystem remaining healthy / functional.

I reckon most rich psychos probably worry and obsess about wild animal attacks, natural disasters, etc. Stuff that kills you regardless of how much money and litigation you throw at it.

Trump’s noted disdain for animals/lack of having a pet points very seriously to his lack of empathy. Animals are pretty easy to empathize with, adding in “The Arms of an Angel” just sweetens the deal.

Ursula Le Guin just died. Extremely shitty. From her blog, posted last year:

“Right now, in a number of states, the law allows a baby to be born from his mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong and it has to change.”