
As I said in my comment, I'm not a superfan of theirs or anything. But I do enjoy their music. And I definitely don't get the energy suck that hating them seems to be. O.o

You know what? I would go out of my way to be friends with anyone who admits to liking Nickelback. Not because Nickelback isn't a terrible band, but because anyone who admits to liking Nickelback in this day and age is a person who doesn't give a fuck whether people think s/he's cool. And people like that are keepers.

Holy shit, she's 33 years old?! Wow. She doesn't look a day over 2. Good for her.

Uhh, so we're literally just reposting Daily Fail misogynistic clickbait bullshit now? I know Jez is running on a skeleton crew lately and I don't expect academic dissertations on global economic issues anyway, but would a tiny bit of quality control kill us?

Someplace warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talking about a little place called Aspen.

What a totally healthy, not at all dysfunctional relationship.

Seriously, these two are a match made in shitty doucebag heaven.

I actually encourage these to jags to stay together, just so they don't go out and infect the rest of the dating pool

I had my tubes tied 9 years ago (I'm 41) and it was the best decision I ever made. I had asked myself over and over again if i wanted kids and no, I did not. After much faffing about with different bc types I was over it. After my divorce I asked my gyno (very pro-woman, awesome) She was hesitant at first as I had

Good luck! I've been wanting to get my tubes tied (35, no kids, don't ever want any) but I'm leaning more towards the Essure. I have an IUD now so I don't have to worry about it for a few more years. I'm happy you found a doc who is willing to do it for you. I hope everything goes smoothly!

Funny mom got her tubes tied after I was born (had two kids and figured she was done)...then five years later she & my dad decided they wanted another, got them un-tied, and helloooo baby sister. I don't know how common it is for that to work so easily, but I've always thought it was pretty amazing and

Not a doctor but I think the crying is a normal side effect of anesthesia. Happened to me and my sister with totally unrelated surgeries, those nurses also said it was common :)

Piece of cake. Teeny-tiny incision, no pain, but a little tenderness - - maybe 1 day of not wanting elastic around waist. No side effects since then either (Can't remember what I was worried about, but none of it happened!)

I had a tubal ligation and couldn't have been easier. There was literally no recovery and there was just a band aid on the incision. The only thing of note to consider is when I woke up in recovery I began to sob with sadness. I had had three kids and didn't really want any more. A nurse came over and said that it was

Tie those tubes lady! I had my tubal at 34 (i'm now 40) and have had zero complaints or problems. Mine was done in the course of finishing a c-section & I healed easily even with the trauma of birth. Your case should be even simpler since you won't have additional medical stuff to heal from. No pills, no pregnancies,

I swear to god, if I had a time machine I'd go back to Philadelphia in 1776 and let Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Franklin know about these epic douchebags and what they're doing to the country and the government they fought so hard to build.

Oh my God. This woman is amazing.

I have four weeks to go until my wedding. I've been stressing out about favor wallets and a stupid bolero. This is perspective, right here. I'm going to have a day, and that's all that matters. So many tears right now.

It's extraordinarily skilled work and does look surprisingly natural relative to the amount of stuff she had done, but I'm going to take issue with one part of this post—and I say this as someone who had cosmetic surgery, for no reason other than 100% vanity—she did not have her nose and chin CORRECTED. There was not

Shut up, Nicholas.