
I've made it a personal mission to incorporate at least one Kanye Quote into my daily conversations.

I believe your story. There are A LOT of sick people out there.

it directly applied to the persons comment. That's what it contributed. Get over yourself dude. You're not the comment board police, you don't decide what is or is not relevant. If You don't like it, don't look at forums. And yes, you are trolling. You're starting an argument for no reason whatsoever. Grow the fuck

I'm actually not making anything up. I'm not sure why you find it necessary to call someone a liar. I was just commenting on someone's post with a real-life event that applied to her/his comment. I mean, its the Internet dude. You really don't have to get a hard-on over a simple discussion board comment, and I really

Two words: garden hose.

Why does Jezebel hate Millennials so much? It's ridiculous.

Yeah ... it'd be one thing if Katherine Hepburn had talked about how she regretted not having children. If someone wants kids and it doesn't work out, sure, that's sad, though not a failure. And since women often have to choose between children and a career, it's understandable that Weaver's choice to procreate felt


I just lost some respect for Sigourney Weaver. I can't stand people who judge and pity those of us that are not parents. Parenthood is not for everyone folks! And judging and pitying those of us who do not reproduce is obnoxious and rude. We are not failures in life for not breeding.

But it will have little to no effect on actually existing racism

So Elsa, you do know that birth control does more than control birth, right? Because as a woman you would know all the medical uses that BC has and how it can make a woman's life better and even save their lives. But you aren't a woman, are you Elsa? MRAs pretending to be women on the internet are really "cool".

Thank you. I was going to put a penis in my vagina today, but thanks to your helpful advice I will choose to put lentils in there instead.

The best birth control is putting the dick down ladies

I think they must have a lot of guys going on hormone therapy and growing breasts so they can harass women in specialty lingerie shop dressing rooms. It's what's known as "the long con". It's not like they can just go anywhere at any time to harass women. For those guys it's convenient because they also need to buy

What a great story! And the little tiny bit that really got me was the last two lines about telling a customer service rep. I can only imagine the very deserved personal pride she must feel for having worked so hard! If I had her life story, I would be telling everyone: cab drivers, the mailman, telemarketers, lost

Can't afford toilet paper? Don't poop!

It takes an impressive lack of mental ability to call something provided by one's employer in exchange for work a handout. I'm impressed you're even able to cobble together a complete sentence, much less function in society.

this shit right here. universal health care now!

Another in a long list of reasons we need to separate insurance from employment

It looks like the key point of the ruling is that the government found a way to let nonprofit religious groups out of the contraceptive mandate and couldn't give a good reason why they couldn't expand that loophole to for-profit businesses. That is actually not a bad question.