
My in-laws are coming next week and I'm a little freaked out about feeding everyone. I can't cook for shit. Three out of the five adults are pescatarians and I've never cooked fish in my life. Anyone have any favorite not-too-difficult recipes (of any kind)? Both main and side dishes appreciated!

I called 911 once because I saw some older teens boosting each other up to get up the fire escape of a building in New York. I made the mistake of saying I saw "kids" getting up the fire escape. The 911 operator practically screamed, "You're calling because you saw KIDS playing on a fire escape?!" When I tried to

Totally. Reeves' incredible soul just shone through him somehow. He was the embodiment of the bravery and kindness that IS Superman. Fate is so goddamn cruel sometimes.

Ugh, right. She leaves out the part that the guy who killed his wife was also on a shit-ton of prescription painkillers. His psychosis was likely a result of mixing the wrong things, not reefer madness.

I'm guessing they mean so-called "casual" racism. I think we all grow up being taught that violent, oppressive racism is wrong but, depending on your environment, slurs and/or jokes are considered more of a gray area. I grew up in a small, rural 100% white town where that stuff was the norm. I was fortunate that I

That's so sad. Was whichever one of your parents who was raised by her able to avoid internalizing her behavior?

My dad was raised in an orphanage in the 40's as well. Once I was old enough to intellectualize it (and see him as a person, rather than just my dad), I could see how that kind of upbringing had affected him. He clung fiercely to every material possession he ever acquired and was really determined to create a

Agreed. The reporter wasn't trying to hold them personally responsible, either, and I suspect chose those films as examples because they were recent and/or big box office hits. The less conventionally attractive guy "getting" the hot chick at the end is hardly a new thing or unique to Seth Rogan movies. He usually

Did anyone see the bit about The Price is Right in the Kings of Leon documentary? At one point in a showcase showdown, one of the prizes is some magazine subscriptions (I guess?) and in the accompanying picture of fanned-out mags is a Rolling Stone with Kings of Leon on the cover. The documentarians are talking to

I can't address the first issue, but I am a former Columbia student and they do indeed have their own campus police. I don't think that's necessarily a public/private college thing. As many others have addressed above, campus crime is often handled internally because it's such an insular environment. Not a good

I think they are referring to the fact that when this story first showed up, it was just a list of names written in bathrooms stating they they were rapists. At that point, some commenters were claiming they were probably false accusations. It wasn't until the flyers showed up a day or so later with the additional

The fact that you've stressed over it and are here asking proves you are NOT an asshole :)

Right?! EVERY gun nut I know spews some bullshit about just wanting to be able to protect their family, but they are unable to conceal their glee at the thought of gunning someone down. Wet dream indeed.

From the Kids Against Divorce website: