
I can’t get over Trixie and Katya saying NOTHING about the fact that the “works every time!” guy is Love Connie. WTF, queens??

Might this case of bullying be one where everyone involved just sucks?

Yeah, but...

When one apologizes, one is not entitled to forgiveness or absolution. If the apology is truly sincere, then prove it by doing better next time. Saying “my bad” is a nice first step but look at the history of race in this (and many other countries) and with a straight face tell me you think that asking for forgiveness

This is what happens when you start getting high on your own farts.

And yet Elon will never notice you.

Bullshit. Bonds are also put in place when and individual is a danger to him or herself or a danger to society. Discharging a firearm in public is a danger to the community. Shooting at a child makes you a danger to the community.

Anyone who is criticizing the very valid question being asked here has never been to Washington Heights or the Bronx or the parts of the Carribean, Central amd South America colonized by Spain and Portugal. To exclude darker skinned and Black folks and to call the work representative is intentional. And the just be

Right??? Her impression of Crystal LeBeija was uncanny.

Drag Race will never be able to fully appreciate people like Tamisha Iman past season 1 and post-VH1, they definitely cut out anything queer history related. Aja kept bringing it up during her All Stars Season only for it to be shown as an extra online. She also didn’t win Snatch Game after one of the best 1:1

Lest we forget the OG of Sesame Street, Roosevelt Franklin. He might have been purple, but he was black.

I’ll just leave this here:

Two things can be true.

I’d make it an 8 step process, because I’m not missing the chance to spit in that motherfucker’s drink.

I’m very ashamed..I think this show is dumb..but everyone but me loves it, so I am the freak.

Now playing

Putting the “supposedly” in “A Supposedly Feminist Website”

Oh stop. She looked fabulous and she sounded fabulous. We’ve spent that last four years basically living in the Hunger Games, so it was incredible to have someone as talented as Lady Gaga perform and commemorate this new era dressed as such. Plus I loved that golden microphone. And she did it in front of Mike Fucking

Never give up the opportunity to shit on successful women, Joan.

You can also label the actual switches and plates in your home according to their breaker numbers. In our home, I pulled off the face plates for outlets and switches and used a Sharpie to jot down the associated breaker number on the back. It ended up being really helpful.