
For my money, O’Hara did a great job as Fitz’ dad. He oozed menace even when not speaking. Then he opened his mouth and I was lost. Had to watch multiple times to understand half of what he said and ended up using CC. At least Colm would have been comprehensible.

I’m still waiting to see about Donnie and Vijay. They basically sunk them both (literally) and left the door wide open for future returns, but it’s been a while now. I realize they have to play this arc out but the show dangles a lot of threads that never get snipped off completely. It drives me crazy at times.

YoYo tells Mack she was eating fish when she suddenly turned, so yeah, it’s just out there now. Maybe Robin got a bad Filet o’Fish?

I actually agree on this. I’ve been bingeing the last two seasons to prep for this one, and I’m starting to really kinda hate her. I didn’t hate her as much during the Agents Of Hydra arc, admittedly, but the whole Lincoln/Hive/Brainwashing/Rogue Quake storyline killed any good will or sympathy I may have had for her

I felt the same when I saw him laying there and everyone just hanging out in his room. My heart sank.

Happy to 🌟, mostly for the Alice’s Restaurant line.

Spent the weekend attempting a ghost run on Dishonored 2.

Yes, thank you. SO done with the Glenn/Maggie melodrama.

Yeah, he caught her in the armory the night of the "getting to know you" party. He'd gone looking for her to see if she had more cookies. She then made him steal some chocolate to make more cookies for him, then threatened to take him to the woods and tie him to a tree and let the walkers eat him if he told anyone she


I don't know if anyone is unhappy that he lived. I'm not unhappy, I just hated the whole thing. The camera trickery during that episode, the removal of his name from the credits… I don't enjoy being trolled. In fact, I was just thinking about the Sherlock "reveal" about how he managed to live after ostensibly jumping

I agree - Maggie being pregnant has to guarantee her at least 8 more months of life. I hope it's not Morgan, though. I really do.

Oh I wish I'd thought of that…

They all tried to tell him, but he just wouldn't listen.

I didn't mean that I didn't enjoy the Abe thing, but I don't know that we needed half an episode for it. And I do agree about the slower episodes. I just need everyone back in Alexandria and, as you said, some cohesive forward momentum.

She'd been a bitch to him, then she was mildly nice to him, and he drunkenly misread it. He was already going off the deep end with guilt over leaving Rick in the hospital, and trying to keep Lori and Korl alive… I hope I'm not coming across an as apologist, but I think he thought (in his drunken stupor) that she

Yep. And Jessie gently killed her.

I love that she went from being a mousey punching bag to the kick ass, take no prisoners woman. But she is a shitty, shitty mother figure and should be kept far from kids.

I've got you. It's all good. :)

Yes, and yet last week Abe let Soldier Walker paw him all over his bare arms without a second thought. Episode One, Season One, Morgan specifically asks Rick if he was bitten OR scratched.