
On a run: the smallest sliver of football must touch the invisible world-spanning plane for it to be a touchdown.

Not particularly, and I think you’re missing the point of her post.

I have to ask though. Are you honestly not worried about #metoo fatigue setting in, and eventually nothing of significant change happens?

LOL. Im not shouting down women. Jesus christ. If the guy was still in his postion, this is a great story, that helps push the correct action.

Yeah, like he would be classy enough to use the word “vajayjay”.

(Fine print: medical plan actually only covers “boner pills.”

Are we sure the interviewer didn’t ask her about being “knocked out” and was really seeing how she felt about the NFL’s concussion protocol?

I’m with this completely. In fact, I switched to paying more attention to the NBA. Haven’t regretted it for a second. This is just ugly.

I pretty much lost interest in pro football this year. I no longer set my Sundays (or Monday nights or Thursday nights) by it. It’s too much - oversaturation of games, the laughable system of fines/punishments which seem to be made up on the fly, and the hypocrisy of the owners/commissioner talking about player safety

Tropes are sometimes tropes for a reason.

To be fair, the guy did say some funny things

Are you really trying to imply there isn’t truth to this?

LOL “cynical tropes”...I get it you don’t know any women? My sister’s wedding was every single f’ing conversation for a year before the wedding AND a year AFTER! the wedding...Literally every single woman I have ever known fits the “trope”. I have a friend whose wife almost canceled the wedding because she wanted oval

“The women lose their mind. Your fiancé is gonna lose her mind. Your mother in law is gonna lose her mind. Your mom is gonna lose her mind. Several of your sisters and female relatives are gonna lose their mind. And, they’re going to barrage you with constant questions. “What should we wear? Which of course my answer

I don’t know, he got my wedding planning process right down to the “wish you eloped” line.

You’re an idiot

As a gay dude who has been a sounding board for several brides, he’s not wrong.

Except that everything he said was true.

4 rules for wedding planning: short ceremony, good food, good booze, and good music.