
Rob Drake, cival war advocate, and friend of the morans.

Aiming for that sweet sweet Astros front office position. 

You should learn to read.

For all the greys, I know this will probably fall on deaf ears or be intentionally misunderstood, but there are those of us who think it is more patriotic to question and examine your country, that you can love something and still understant it can have serious flaws, and that we’re all in this together, so we should

“Well if you don’t like it then you can git out” is exactly the opposite sentiment that this country was founded on. Also there’s those pesky free speech, right to protest, and free press things. Thanks for playing tho.

Ah yes, the country that declares the Men’s World Cup trophy (created by a Frenchman and awarded by an organization based in Switzerland) is “coming home” anytime they string a couple of victories together is schooling us on arrogance. Got it.

Could this just be a cultural thing?

(sound of crickets)

This is an impossible question. They supposedly made a huge whiff with the PG/Oladipo trade, but then Oladipo turned into a quasi-MVP and kept them marginally competitive in the East. Then Oladipo got hurt, and yet they still played marginally competitive in the East. Perhaps there’s something to be read into today’s

Tobias Harris is good but “$180mil over five years” good? Are you kidding me? 

Even aside from how dumb this whole interview is, like come on with this, man:

Mama, there goes that bigot

Never made it to the NFL, but I played 5 seasons in college for a Pac-12 school. I feel you on the “trying to assimilate” front. For years after graduation I would get anxiety at work if I happened to be one of the only people in the common room of the office. My mind would immediately assume I was missing a meeting

A great player who won’t be healthy enough to play till next April or might miss an entire season......sounds like a Knick to me. 

I’m not bringing you out of the greys for this, but I am willing to share it as a stupid statement. Reasonably intelligent, good-natured human beings with good senses of humour can identify satire in a heartbeat.

If you're only 30% sure that the Burneko article was satire, then perhaps you're not qualified to make assessments of anyone's opinions?

which is the real message he’s bundling up in “blame me” platitudes

Another possible thought: The Warriors knew the risk. Durant knew the risk. He wanted to play, even knowing this could result, with the understanding that he had the player option to fall back on, should the worst result.

Two thoughts: