
I listen to Cowherd pretty often...what exactly has he done that compares to Douglass?

Sorry but I can watch a full Arsenal game for all 90+ minutes. I've NEVER watched a full Reds game from start to finish. I used to watch Eagles games from start to finish until they sucked. Get over the fact that Baseball can be tediously boring. 3 hours of game with 7 minutes of action.

If you have an iPhone and AppleTV you can stream it from the iPhone to the AppleTV and watch it on whatever TV that's connected to. So technically yes you could watch it on the big screen wirelessly.

True he's been great at Everton. But there is something to be said for not getting beat up in the EPL all year while being taken care of in the MLS. I mean he was still one of the best American players in prior WC's. I also would like to think that the MLS IS getting better in terms of play. Still only a few games are

I'm still trying to understand the logic if "the league sucks for Dempsey" but "we need Landon on the team". Doesn't Donovan play for the Galaxy? lol

Soccer. Newsflash dude from 1960; more and more kids stay with it.

He won't care. Cause he'll make 10 times more money playing soccer than punting a damn football.

Sorry but I don't see what the big deal is. While this is as douchy as you can possibly be. There are SEVERAL "slampieces" out there that are looking for JUST these types of guys to latch on to with no real desire for anything else but their wallets. There's someone for everyone.

Your blind hatred of soccer doesn't translate buddy. Last year UEFA '12 coverage kept the ratings UP in July. This soccer...ratings are down. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean others aren't watching.

Yet it was SOCCER that held their ratings high last July....

I love the breakdown of soccer on Deadspin. But are you sure this isn't just an excuse to talk about dicks?

Yeah tell that to the Giants fan that got beat up at Dodger stadium.

Always funny to see the anti-soccer trolls roll in. How many showed up for that Mariners-Astros game a few weeks ago? 10?

I guess we all can't be so lucky as you to have the perfect sexual relationship that never gets boring...FOREVER!

The point of shaming people into doing it is the issue. Not the avoiding it all together.

The ratings say otherwise. NBA Finals KILLED the World Series in ratings and NBA games on average destroy MLB. Last among the big four? You including the MLS now? Cause I know you can't be talking about Hockey.

My barber says that every time I get a haircut. insult upsetting barbers.

You mean like the flopping and whining done in last nights Spurs vs. Grizzlies game?

Yeah I guess that 3 point shot he hit to bury the Spurs was all KJ too.

Hard to take an asshole parent list seriously that doesn't include Soccer.