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    This EXACT issue was actually covered by the show Century City a few years ago.

    If they'd ACTUALLY listened to consumers they'd have given it a second analog stick to make games like Portable Ops playable...

    Heh, what would've been really cool was if, through some miracle, the rover began responding and taking commands :P

    @thebluepill: Yeah I know, but it's one of those things that I can pick like a day when Cracked doesn't have a good article or something and read a short story :P

    Just finished it in between doing work. Very nice story. I think I might begin reading short stories from Lightspeed on my lunch breaks from now on :)

    You scared me there Annalee.

    Now playing

    You disappoint me Charlie Jane. You missed the most awesome trailer to bad movie ratio of all time: Ultraviolet

    "In the process of trying to hotwire the car they also fixed the brake lights."

    Wow, it's utterly disgusting how the auto industry behaves around new and groundbreaking tech. I imagine the CEOs gathering around with pitchforks and torches yelling "BURN THE WITCH!"

    @EeepaEeepa: I think your concept of what it takes to run most modern PC games is overinflated. You no longer need a $2000 rig to play the latest and greatest. The price of your xbox, plus live subscription, plus higher cost in games works out to about the same in the long run as pc gaming. It's just that pc gaming

    Like all art, you cannot comment on what it is and isn't without experiencing it.