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    I'm still sad about Hoyt and Jess :( the show completely skipped over their honeymoon period during the year Sookie was gone,which made their story feel like it had no payoff.

    I think my issue was that Season 2 wasn't all that bad, but it felt like a huge disappointment compared to season 1, as they drastically shifted the focus of the show away from the dystopian setting, which was my favorite aspect of the show.

    Goddamnit I miss season 1 of Dark Angel. That show had such amazing potential, but they back stepped from the whole aspect of why the world was in shambles (terrorists detonating an EMP over the US) due to 9/11 and Season 2 was a shadow of itself as a result. Became a Buffy style monster of the week without the charm

    "I legitimately can't tell what point writer Edward Neumeier was trying to make here. Is Starship Troopers 3: Marauder an atheist's dream or nightmare?"

    Errr, I'd say Starship Troopers is a bit more than "loosely" tied to scifi... I think the issue in general is that horror is much more common than "pure" scifi or fantasy.

    If this were the case, wouldn't the Hebrew Calendar be misaligned as well? I know it's not exactly a reliable parallel since it changed numerous times, but a variation of 300 years would surely be noticeable...

    Ok, now I hate you :P but that also assumes that they were capable of powering down segments of the Destiny's computer system, which we do not know to be the case. So Eli's calculations may have taken full computer system power into account.

    Thanks :) As a nerdy hopeless romantic who briefly minored in physics at uni, and who has a penchant for redheads, I just considered what I'd do if I were in Eli's situation :P

    The ship's computer need to stay powered on anyway to maintain Destiny's course, monitor itself, and a ton of other stuff. Life support requires pumping oxygen, pumping water, recycling water, keeping food refrigerated, and a lot of other power intensive tasks. Running a virtual reality simulation by contrast is

    If the show never gets picked up and continued by anyone else, the following is what will always be the epilogue in my head:

    Though that'd be incredibly sweet re Gin, it'd also being immeasurably sad. The only solution I'd be able to think of would be for Eli to sit in the chair and be absorbed by Destiny. In that way, he and Gin could finally be together again, at least in some sense...

    That was pretty beautiful, and I have to agree. SGU, for better or for worse, was in many ways a return to something closer to the heart of science fiction for the franchise, and the wonders of the universe were the setting...

    Ugh, I'm kind of furious because not only does Schneier COMPLETELY misunderstand the situation, but most of the commenters here know nothing about network security, or the attack vectors used, yet still seem to think they know something.

    Would take too many resources to build, plus none of the Destiny descendants were seriously space-faring. They had the tech, but didn't really use it, because they had the gate network. It'd be an incredibly weak plot if that's what it ends with...

    It's honestly because the show started off incredibly weak and felt a lot like a cliche Battlestar ripoff. It took about half a season to grow the beard, if not a full season, and it's been getting better and better since then, but it was too little too late...

    It says more about the massive gaping flaws in the Nielsen Ratings System in my opinion...

    I don't know about it being Futuran. Judging by the newspaper, it looked more like a Times New Roman colony to me :D *rimshot*

    Your brother's correct. If you notice. every SG series uses alien drive systems, whether Ancient or Asgard. Humans still haven't quite figured out FTL, despite using it frequently. They're just hijacking or jury-rigging technologies from more advanced species. Not to mention the power requirements re naquadah.

    No, I cracked up too, and so did some of the characters when they realized that 2000 years of innovation and countless light-years away, muzak still exists...

    If they had the tech to build autonomous drone warships that could follow and catch up with Destiny, why wouldn't they build themselves some starships to evacuate their dying planet?