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    This might inspire me to actually play something on my Wii. I wonder though, can this work for Gamecube games too? Some of my Gamecube games are getting old and I worry about disc damage :/

    @Kobun: No, actually there isn't; I'm quite up to date on my firmware...

    @Jouen: That's because they needed redundant hardware for compatibility, and removing it saved manufacturing costs so they could lower the system price.

    @Jouen: "No PS2 games"

    @robot-shmobot: If the next iPhone and OS add nothing significantly new, then depending on what hardware Palm has in store for this year, they may even be able to finally close enough ground to stay in the game long term without being bought out :P

    @robot-shmobot: If the next iPhone and OS add nothing significantly new, then depending on what hardware Palm has in store for this year, they may even be able to finally close enough ground to stay in the game long term without being bought out :P

    @talkingstove: And I'm sure that by 2015 we won't all be using h.264 and locked into the format when they change their mind right? ::eyeroll::

    @Ray Nath: Technically, Firefox is the bastard phoenix of Netscape... so they're still going strong :P

    @Kakkoii: You miss the point completely. Mozilla is actively AGAINST the use of h.264 because it's a proprietary format, and if we convert the web to it, then the licence holder can suddenly change their mind and extort licensing fees from everyone.

    @korrupt9187: SVG and SVG animations (SMIL). But even these will currently won't truly replace Flash, especially for more complex things like games; anyone who thinks that'll happen in the next 5 - 10 years is a moron.

    @ripfire: I'm implying that not having direct storage in the iPhone is silly ;)

    @ripfire: I use dropbox, you missed my point. I'm saying it's silly to have to use it just to get a file onto your phone, instead of transferring it directly.

    @ripfire: I just copy and paste the timetable PDF to my Palm Pre's internal storage. Being forced to use dropbox just to sync files is silly :)

    @Bruce_Wayne: No, Faye Reagan has way more freckles than that girl :P