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    @techfox: I was just pointing it out, and I agree with you. Notice that I never said that it was necessarily a good way to go about it :P Just wanted people to know that there are options if they're willing to get into it a bit :)

    With a bit of hacking, there are also ways to change the icons for new Libraries.

    I beg to differ, this is NOT the first AR browser, and it's not even the first AR browser for Android either.

    Steam has HAD a browser overlay built in for over a year now... The problem is that it's IE6 without javascript... aka, it's complete garbage. Plus it's buggy as all hell atm.

    FYI, the "kill bar thingy" isn't just from TF2, it's from pretty much every Source game and HL1 mod.

    @elementary: It's ok, I'm pretty sure Cliffy's lost too...

    @StephenTotilo: I don't know that I'd say COD4 only has one sad moment. I think it starts kinda generic war shootery but it begins spiraling down to a very grim atmosphere. It was a great game, but by the end it really tries to bring across the fact that our actions in a war come back to haunt us, and the ending, and

    @Dagon: Look again.

    The Big Daddy in the first pic was a conceptual 3rd type that they wanted to put in but didn't have the time in the 360 and PC version. I specifically remember it because it was in screenshots for the other versions too, and people asked about it.

    @RichardNixon: Actually Piccolo is being played by James Marsters and lots of latex.

    @Balius: Actually, you're wrong for a few reasons. First of all, the reason it feels like it's more toward the midsection (ie, you don't see her torso, etc) is because of Field of View (FOV). The spherical shape of the human eye gives us a very good FOV, with the center of our vision being in focus, and the rest as