
Kornacki is like a chihuahua, kinda cute but mostly I wish he’d calm the fuck down.

It’s a real puzzler. They may have to make a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode about it.

He’ll proclaim on Twitter any decision Biden makes is a horrible mistake and when the stock market dips half a percent that it never would have happened if they hadn’t stolen the election from him.

Why wouldn’t those loser and suckers in the military support Trump?

The MAGA movement isn’t dead. I think the GOP is paying lip service to Trump’s claims so they don’t alienate those in the Trump cult.

The endgame is provide non-committal platitudes to keep the Trump cult from turning on them.

Please call our tipline with any information about the stolen Picasso.

I had my priceless Picasso painting stolen from me! I will provide no evidence it was stolen or that I even ever had it. But anyone who questions me about this clearly took part in the theft!

Also someone let junior know we’ve also had some population growth over the past 12 years.

Say it!

You misunderstand. The White House coronavirus task force is a task force working FOR the coronavirus. So far it has been the most successful initiative of the Trump Administration.

I presume you meant to say not relevant.

In the interview Kripke suggests this is a new phenomenon. He says we’ve raised a whole generation on this idea so that’s why we have Trump.

Or John Wayne before that. Or Hercules if you really want to go back.

...but it’s a little dangerous to train an entire generation to wait for someone strong to come in and save you,” Kripke reasoned. “That’s I think how you end up with people like Trump and populists who say, ‘I’m the only one who can come in, it’s going to be me.’

I really don’t understand this argument. How are superhero action movies any different from the Arnold and Stallone steroid-fueled action movies of the 80s? They’re also about one strongman who will save us all. They just wear slightly less silly costumes.


But only suckers and losers sign up for an army.

I’ve enjoyed this show but they did have a bad habit of screaming “IT’S A METAPHOR!”