
It’s just like the unemployment numbers, if he doesn’t like them they must be fake.

Will we finally find out what’s in the Pope’s box?

I thought Trump said we were once again respected around the world thanks to him... I suspect he may not be an entirely honest person.

I’m old enough to remember Marty McFly’s exclamation of “Jesus Christ!” in Back to the Future was re-dubbed to “Jeez Louise!”

Yes, it’s mostly because I loved Back to the Future as a kid.


I can’t fault anyone for what they believe, and who’s to say that anything that anyone likes is truly what they believe in if they just double tap.

I had flashbacks when I saw Elizabeth and Clark’s sister because that was pretty much my mom’s exact look in the 80s... and the 90s.

*obligatory Simpsons reference goes here*

My layman’s understanding is that from a libel perspective before you can call someone a liar you need to be able to prove they knew what they said was untrue. In Trump’s case it would be tough to prove he knows anything at all.

Relativity. It’s just a theory.

Yes, let’s give people fewer avenues of escape in case of a disaster like say a fire, a gas leak, or a shooting. #brilliant

Obama didn’t wear one one time and it was a HUGE SCANDAL, it’s kinda been a thing ever since.

Or whomever defined the edge of the road just screwed up the alignment.

And if she were brown I’m sure they’d be equally in love with it.

You’d think a businessman would know this, but then again he has gone bankrupt a few times.

Do we need thousands of doctorate theses to understand narcissism?

I’d heard about this ad before so I knew about the “cocaine Mitch” and “China persons” references but no one prepared me for his line delivery.