
This one time, at a music festival? I was wearing a psychedelic-print swing dress, because early 90s (and those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, yadda yadda) and for some reason my raggiest, baggiest pair of laundry-day underpants. The dress had pockets, thankfully, because I had to keep grasping

I laughed out loud at the 'similar to a headband'. Now I want to have a few on hand for when someone asks if I have a spare scrunchie or hair elastic they can borrow. 'Yeah, here. It's similar to a headband.'

Nah. I think we all know that eating TOO MUCH red meat is bad for you and that (probably) eating none or at least less of it it better for you, as long as you're replacing those calories with vegetables and fruits. I switched our diet to a pescatarian one many years ago, mostly vegetarian due to rectal cancer in my

Yaaaasss, this is perfect. I agree with you on pretty much everything here! You hit the nail on the head perfectly, especially about Poussey getting drunk. Now that you mention it, I was SUPER uncomfortable through most of that, and not in a good, character-building way. I don't think we ever saw her come near the

I'm so glad there are folks out there who like this shit. It saves the rest of us from having to date those dudes.

He is seriously wall-eyed. I really don't understand what people like in him.

I just had a thought. What if Fig ends up in Litchfield as an inmate herself next season, after being indicted on federal charges for hella embezzlement and fraud?

YES! When my boo and I were dating, I loved smelling his old spice deos, and one day I ran out and he had a stick in my bathroom and suddenly it all made sense: "I like this smell. I want to smell like it." He gave zero shits, because he is not a superficial dope. And then my days of buying $12 women's

I took a photo on my honeymoon in front of a volcano in Hawaii once that killed someone.

Oh goodie! I get to tell one of my favorite NOLA stories now. I lived there for a few years and wondered why so many born and raised NOLA folk had never lived anywhere else and many had never even left the city EVER. I met a woman who told me a story about the time she tried to leave. She said "I was accepted at

Put me in the club of ladies who wear old spice deodorant. Mmm, mmm.

"I don't care what her mother heard on The Today Show. I got nothing here gluten-free. So if she dies from a gluten overdose or whatever, then who am I to stand in the way of fate? " Loved loved LOVED that line!

OMG YES! I totally forgot about Cindy's backstory. I HATE her so so hard. She was awful. I kept waiting for some sort of redeeming quality to come up, but it just never did.

I can't lie that sex scene was the first that had me seriously questioning somethings about myself lol lol

Poussey makes me question my sexu-alitay. No, she makes me question life itself. Because how can anyone be so damn awesome? But I liked her this much from last season *brushes off shoulders*

last year I got a Facebook and Twitter response from Laverne Cox, this year I got a retweet from Pornstach. Maybe next season will be Crazy Eyes.

I'm one episode from finishing the new OITNB season~! I am excited/apprehensive. Also I cannot reconcile that I like CO Bennett and yet I don't feel his relationship with Daya could ever be consensual, even if it's presented that way.

just working my way through season 2 of OITNB

I thought so too until I tried it. It really does work, but its not fun. Its probably like what it feels like when you get bit by a snake and then die.

But you did rely on your parents for free housing...