Yes, it's obviously "Kardashian fatigue" and not that tabloids are SPEWING OUT PILES OF BULLSHIT.
Yes, it's obviously "Kardashian fatigue" and not that tabloids are SPEWING OUT PILES OF BULLSHIT.
Yes, I'm totally with you in terms of if it were written by a comedian it would be an OBVIOUS joke about the American views of Africa and white privilege. In the context of the rest of her tweets, she seems to... err, push the limits of what is PC and what is a proper joke. I think the problem here is that A. she is…
You're right; the next article I write about this lady I'll make sure to include her full biography and screenshots of her entire twitter feed. My bad.
There kind of is. For example, if you were to read this exact tweet on Jenny Johnson's twitter (…) whose feed is full of sarcasm and off-color jokes, it would be obvious she's joking and meant to be read sarcastically or as a comment on what people think of Africa. In a feed full of…
It seems pretty obviously tongue-in-cheek, but taken out of context, it is kind of in bad taste.
She seems to me to be the poster girl for everything that is wrong with LA.
Rihanna's hair in the last 4 pictures I've seen of her is EVERYTHING.
WEIRD. What was the job description, even?!
Hmmm maybe I should look up the recipe on Pinterest.....
If you start a Pinterest board full of FASHUN blog pictures with everyone just looking at their phones, I'd totally follow it.
OMG people, of course Kim Kardashian didn't wax her baby's brows! That's a ridiculous thing to say about any celebrity, especially her! CLEARLY, she had baby North's full time professional Body Hair Control Specialist do it.
My cat is driving me bonkers tonight. He is running up and down the halls and standing by the front door meowing like crazy. Then he'll run up to me sitting at the computer and meow-yell at me. What is wrong with him?! I fed him, so he's not hungry. I keep trying to play with him with his favorite toy, but he plays…
It's seriously amazing.
Each episode is titled after a certain food "group" sort of (Noodles, Eggs, Simple, Rot, etc.). In a few, there are scenes of Chang's trip to Japan with one of his food writer friends who I forget, as well as scenes from trips to Spain. Basically, they talk about both the history and the science of the food group the…
I do like the pizza pants tho.
I don't expect every single person who follows a vegan diet to also follow a vegan lifestyle. Not everyone is vegan because of teh aminals and whatnot and there are obviously health benefits to following a plant-based diet that has nothing to do with animal rights or welfare. HOWEVER it seems a little disrespectful…