
Solution: (playfully) subtweet your significant other. Then continue the conversation on social media. Now the only people you’re ignoring are snooty, judgy onlookers at the restaurant, who should be ignored anyway.

When I decided to buy a PS3 in 2011, I thought I would give GameStop’s used PS3 slim a shot. I went to my local store, walked in and was given a choice between a $230 used versus a $250 new PS3. They really played up the angle that it was the same exact stuff in a different box, so I went for it, buying

Does Kevin Spacey exist in the House of Cards canon? This is probably not something worth exploring.

Badass Qunari are definitely possible.

I'm pretty sure that there's an Arcane Warrior equivalent for DA:I in the Knight Enchanter specialization. From what I saw in a couple gameplay videos, it's a magic-based focus on melee combat and tanking. No idea how it interacts with armor though.

In one skype window, I was participating with a friend in a text-based roleplaying scenario that was getting more and more dramatic by the second. (Coincidentally, it might also be the most nerdy thing I've ever done.) In a different tab in that same window, I was in a chatroom that was currently discussing the merits

I think this is a callout to Lorwyn's changelings, which also borrowed the "changeling stealing a child" trope with the card Crib Swap. (I still remember reading that card and going "hey this is a pretty good removal spell WHY IS THE BABY BLUE")

Game: The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episode 4 (Major Spoilers??)

A message for Luke Burbank:

Innistrad never got a block novel, but both Return to Ravnica and Theros had a series of e-novellas that accompanied the story of the blocks. Wizards also hosts a column of short fiction on their website every week. Smaller moments in a grand story, but some of them are pretty damn good.

"iPhone Torture Chamber" sounds way more like a room in Samsung's HQ than Apple's.

One of these days I'd like to see a programmer/nerd character who's upsettingly social and charming because they've deconstructed being social with people. I'm getting tired of this "He's into computers, therefore has trouble with people" stuff. Instead maybe "Wow this guy draws some uncomfortable parallels between

The problem is that Luke's VO delivery sounds like an ignorant American's impression of a British character.

Honestly I'm really digging this game but not for any particular Layton or Wright moments. I love that they created a unique-ish fantasy world with a functioning justice system and magic spells as evidence. Mixing fantasy with crime drama has turned out SURPRISINGLY good.

Man I may be a jaded video production motion graphics guy becuse when I watched that I thought "there's a lot of good stuff in here but there are definitely places where he can punch it up."

I'm working my way through this right now, listening to the audiobook on my commute, and around 50 pages/2 hours in I was almost ready to give up. Then Jorg went back to Tall Castle and I got sucked right back into the story. Felt guilty putting it down to read io9 tonight.


I've probably got a bunch of different ways to play Netflix on my TV (with a PS3, 360, and an HDMI cable from my computer to the TV), but the simplicity of this thing makes me really want it. If they add Hulu and Spotify, then I can say goodbye to pretty much everything else for streaming.

Still think having the option of saying "Would You Kindly" as a phrase would be fantastic.

I still remember the time my phone autocorrected the phrase "Would you like to go lunching with me?" to "Would you like to go lynching with me?"