
It comes down to common sense, imo. As long as you’re not impeding anyone else by doing it, I see no problem with pull-through parking in an adjacent (parallel) spot.

Problem is, if you care enough about parking to read this article, you’re not the kind of person who would pull a stupid move like pulling through in an

Why is this article from nearly a decade ago showing up in my sidebar? It couldn’t possibly be just because it has 3.3 million hits, right? Not because outrage and anger make for the most solid engagement, well into a new decade, right?

Is it just me or did anybody else get a lot of replay value out of this game when playing with the “Anxiety” and “LGBT” modes switched on? I feel like I catch myself playing this without even realizing it, experiencing things for the first time long after I should have finished playing.

If you don’t want to spend the money for a peach amiibo, simply turn on Assist Mode. You can regen health just by standing still and take a max of 6 hits!

It’s unfair to workers because it adds wait time to the customers behind you and there’s a good chance that the jerk in line is going to blame the workers when it’s your fault for making a weird and unreasonable demand for a fast casual restaurant.

You wouldn’t be far off if you called it a Hitchcock or a Spielberg! But usually, it’s called a dolly zoom. 

This particular movement has been accomplished in live action, but without the extra polish that Bird uses here. A dolly out with a zoom in (or vice versa) results in the

I’ve similarly had my Switch docked about 90-95% of the time I play, using the pro controller whenever possible.

Absolutely. I’m honestly so glad that these interior spreads are getting attention with the switch cases being semi-transparent. First thing I did when opening the Zelda case was reverse the jacket. It’s a gorgeous cover now.

One of Impa’s lines early in the game, explaining the history of the royal family and Calamity Ganon, says something like “This story has been passed down into legend and myth.”

Books are a very different story than games (pun intended) when it comes to pre-ordering. Books don’t have timed exclusive content, retailer-exclusive content, or Day 1 DLC packages.

My switch has been in “Preparing for shipment” since March 1st and every time I look at the page a little part of my dies

Looks like the review linked in this post is for the 50H8C, but the TV on sale is the 50H6C, which doesn’t have HDR at all. Bummer :(

Looks like the review linked in this post is for the 50H8C, but the TV on sale is the 50H6C, which doesn’t have HDR

I dunno, consumer printer ink is pretty expensive these days and I don’t really feel like walking to the FedEx Office to print out these signs...

Gizmodo regrets any offense taken by the residents of either of these fine cities.”

Buying the leather jacket seems like an action reserved for the villain in the inevitable movie that dramatizes the current tech bubble.

Metroid Prime

This is basically the business model behind the entire site of Granted, you have to pay a monthly fee for access to their videos and some serious $$$ for an at-home proctored test, but it seems pretty good if you’re looking for some fast A.C.E. credit.

It’s a bummer to see furries defined by the sexual angle again, but I guess that’s what grabs people’s attention. Nobody’s going to keep scrolling if you call furries “people fascinated with animal symbolism who create their own characters and personas”.

The only time I can remember this ever working in a game’s favor is Portal 2’s “The Part Where He Kills You” achievement

Anybody else recognize the last background music in the clip as the Mass Effect OST?