
Instead of waiting for him to smarten up, why not fucking laser focus your efforts on being rid of him completely. Seems like a win win. The longer you stay there, the more you’re gonna smell like garbage when something finally happens and you’re still loitering around the dump/landfill.

No love for John Barron? Or how he moves on women “like a bitch”? Or his white pantyline shorts? Or the vacuum sealed Trump steaks?

Keep it up!

You say all the right things. Xoxox

Egad! I have small children, man! What should I do with them????

Or everytime he says the words jobs. All of his various “smiles”. His fucking eyebrows and how they arch high and tight when he’s attempting to defend himself and/or lying.


I don’t wanna sound petty or nitpick, but I feel a special kind of rage when he balls up his little fists like that. Especially when he has both up. Fucking nerd.

I’m a man. My eyes attracted to shiny things. But I have manners, and restraint.

Look how fucking gross his mouth is, even in this #tbt shot. It’s got more moisture it seem. It’s a mouth that has not been punched with enough strength and frequency to make a difference.

Nope. I meant Leah Remini.

So I somehow ended up watching this and, though the issues in the article and in the comments here are very important, WHAT IS SHE DOING TO HER FACE? She sounds like she just got a root canal and her mouth is still frozen. It’s like her lips can’t touch. It was distracting throughout the episode. What was she even remotely memorable in? Think about the roles shes had - they’re mostly SJ roles not played (passed on) by SJ.

I don’t understand Amber, is there that much demand for a value brand Scarlet Johansson?

As you typed your comment, something on her face changed.

But to your other point, yes you can be asymptomatic. So there may be some truth that I have it and don’t know since the symptoms I thought I had were something else. I explicitly asked if I have herpes and he said no. Good enough for me.

I got checked in a fit of paranoia, I gave urine and they swabbed the tip of my pecker. I think maybe the swab?


Hot take: my ex-gf had herpes, took meds, we had sexytime without a rubber for years and I don’t have herpes. Miracle?

Nothing wrong with chubby cheeks!