
But the body IS the reason for the fame. I know it sucks now that you want to do things outside of that box and you get some push back- but the reason is that there are already more than enough conventional models out there and wanting to go there makes your supporters feel betrayed (see: indie bands signs to major

Kroy is not a real name. Impossible. It’s gross. It’s made up to fit the K scheme.

I should correct for sensitivity that he is HIV positive. Not “the AIDS”.

There was his stint as a truther, right? And wasn’t he on Tiger Blood for a while? And the multiple porn star girlfriends? And the drug abuse? And kinda sorta antisemitism? Then the AIDS?

As a counter to this, my dog is paralyzed of his back legs. She wants nothing to do with those carts. She’s a Shit-tzu (sp? ) Boston terrier mix so she’s about the same size as that cat.

I’m sick of these “Oh you just wait” situations with nothing coming out of it.

Barron, whether on the spectrum or not, displays a “0 Fuchs given” attitude. I can appreciate that. It must really bug his dad.

Oh. That’s what a child molester is to you?

As a father of 2 girls who suffers from occasionally severe depression and anxiety, raising them as a stay at home dad for the first 2 years of their lives (one is 3, other is 8) - I can say that doing so did nothing but alleviate that shit and kept me busy and happy. That being said:

Or took it as “look, even with all his money, Trump is just like us! He’s healthy as a horse and still gets things done while eating dry ass microwaved fast-fry steaks with ol fashioned ketchup! Eats fried chicken and prospers. MORE FRIED CHICKEN!!!”


HI, Kris!

Teen Suicide: Don’t Do It

Will Smith needs to step back and disappear for a few years. Get rid of the bizarre Scientology monkey on his back. Allow his children to ruin themselves. Start looking older.


“He LOVES the ganj!!!”

I just know Barron is the one who’s gonna be putting the Trump dynasty on its ass once his puberty kicks in. Just look at him - he’s hyperactive at the very least right now, if not somewhere on the spectrum. He has no time for anyone’s bullshit. No one. I love watching him evolve. It’s gonna be great.

Already did. With this article.

That’s really shitty. He was a funny, funny man.

lol I dunno. People have said that. People act like thise “Tha Carter” records areregarded as masterpieces in some circles. I mean, my hip hop preference/reference point is mostly pre-1998.