
Good group.

In the nose. Maximum discomfort. Knocking him down/out would be easy. The nose - he’d have the watery eyes, sharp pain and possible long term cosmetic damage. He’d have to sit and let it stew for a minute.

He’s gotta talk strategy with his boss Kate.

Ugh. (Shallow male bs) her teeth annoy me. Is that wrong? I’m seriously asking.

I thought they were wicked bussed in from Massachusetts. And yes, I misspoke...3M+ all-sorts. Mostly dead illegal Mexican and Canadian voters, plus Elvis and probably some unregistered geighs.

I mean, 3 million American corpses, maybe more, voted for Hildog in the election, so I think fighting is fair game.

I grew up watching my little brother struggle with developing schizophrenia from the age of 13. For a long time, we didnt know. Even when I did find out, I didn’t understand it. It took a while for us to get to where we’re at. It’s been 20 years now and he’s living in an assisted living facility with other dudes like

First of all, that’s cheating.

Am I supposed to feel bad for legit not liking it? It really wasnt good.

Unpopular opinion incoming:

Nice! I’d fuck off on that “job” too. He’s prolly like “fuck it I’m just taking the “work” I wanna take and be selective” or something. Probably prefers flying and saving individuals in peril that’s what I’d do.

I agree. I think that every time I hear that dumb Sia song where she says she has stamina. It’s a weird word to use.

This is not real is it?

I had to scroll back up because I was like, “why is Andy Samberg amongst them...” and realized it was AL Gore. Anyone else see it? Maybe it’s just the acid..

Word. I mean their whole spectacle is a sad thing. She’s laying it on thick with this “hey guys, lookit my boyfrnd!!!!!!” It’s tacky and she looks desperate for attention, least of it from him.

Reality and fantasy/horror never blended so well.

A picture of Michael Pena holds that much power?

Meh. Could very well be. She got herself a big girl team, that’s for sure.

Sure. Maybe. But his folksy tip on how I can keep my kids quiet was, honestly, much appreciated.

I think she’s past that point now. Her decisions are not hers. She’s in Ke$haland now. Best of luck to her. Great voice. Unique. Risky business.