
Image upgrade and oversexualization complete.

Katy and Orly’s contracted obviously expired on Oscars night and they chose to no re-sign. Expect him to return to the supermodel scene and her to white dude with an accent one.

The cheque must have cleared.



I meant *fucked up, but I’m keeping it as ducked because free associaRion.

Hey! You guys are all Politically Hip and stuff so youze might know. Is there a resource, or some sneaky way a guy like me can get his hands on some free American politiCal (campaign or otherwise) stickers? Like free promotional items?

I remembered when Nazis used to go to punk shows to a) start shit and throw elbows b) get kicked out, aggressively c) wait outside to gang up on one guy. For “revenge” purposes. I see they had sex with the fucking guys who wore business suits in high school “as a joke” but really hopes it makes him seem interesting.

That’s a problem. The whole right side of America’s face think now that protesters are stupid, confused, lazy, unemployed bums or they are paid by George Soros (which someone please tell me why I should be scared of George Soros? Hes like the Shadowman.

And just imagine when Trump gives them all this “money and tools” for them to be able to do their jobs effeciently.

Why can’t she look like that TODAY???

Is she trying to look Japanese? Cause it’s working. And it looks like I’m watching 2 very anticharismatic teenagers who were shoved on stage together because people.

The lady looks like the love child of Mike Pence and Kelly Osborne.

Oh they’re just waiting for the “real” news to cover it to tell them why and how to defend it. None of them can think for themselves (the ones who are likely to defend this) so that’s how and why they project that disease on what they call libtards.

This. And the continured bids for attention (accents, topless Jeeping). She’s a damaged, delusional woman who needs to get back to nature and humble herself.

I meant to say this yesterday - great username, person.

As I mentioned earlier - too much investment. They have to wring it out until they recoup. Too many people have invested money in her career. She can’t stop no matter how much she tries. And when they’re done, she’ll be on her own.


My ex was a dick traitor.

Too many people with too much money invested. Same goes for Britney Spears. If either was over 30 when taking a break, their careers would have been in shambles.