
You know something...she looks great with short hair. Also, that gym closet.

She strikes me as someone whom everything she does is calculated...but she seems likeable, if not plain. Sort of like a Latina Taylor Swift.

GodDAMN Donald Trump is fucking gross. He really looks like a lizard person here.

Is he “getting back into life” under his pants or what? Sure looks padded up in durrrr

Way cool!

I’m never sure about how to feel about her. She looks like she’s withering away and getting weaker each appearance. And she got young kids (and I’m gonna go ahead and just assume they’re shitty little fuckers) I feel bad about regarding their mothers (imo) shameful role in American history. They had no control over

Wow. Is there a way that I can send them some of mine? Shit. I can’t go to the dmv without sedation, let alone to the gallows.

The word “dossier”, as with “optics”, is being overused.

Paul Ryan looks like the result of recasting Mr. Bean for American audiences.

Where are all the black people? Can I get a Labatt 50? Barry always had some on hand for me. Also who’s this guy?

I was not talking about Obama, sucka! This isn’t about him. And you know nothing about whether or not I can think for myself.

I wonder what his reason is for keeping her on the back burner.


It’s too late to reason with them. They don’t listen. They are totally..uh..what’s that word...brainwashed? Mass hypnosis/confusion/hysteria? They only way they play is total annihilation at this point.

It’s in reference to maybe an article that came out earlier about how Steve Bannon is the hidden hand. or something. He’s dumb, but wtv...

Katy Perry was given a legit shot the minute Britney lost her mind and shaved her head. They placed all of their Female Pop Superstar Wizardry on her while Britney took some time off to grow her hair out and recouped.

Also, please confirm whether or not DT is at all familiar with Borat (he took a shit in his plants in front of Trump Tower that one time) and set up an interview.

What if I’m the type of person who FEELS things a little too much (ex: if wife gets home and just says something in passing like “ugh, the floors a mess” I will feel bad that she came home and the floor was dirty and I assume an exaggerated amount of guilt and shame because of it.) I’ve been like that since I was a

I hate myself for chuckling at “detonate on patrol”.
