
I’ll never get her appeal. She comes off as personalityless, and both of her eyes look lazy.

Is this for real real, not for play play?

“get the base 2 descend on him” is an overlooked statement. Like she’s admitting they can control them? Weaponized supporters? McScuse me?

My entire post was me showing restraint, actually.

A man like him left unchecked will result in another Trump.

How the hell you gonna rationalize anything? No one is going to “meet in the middle” 3/4 (not debating this) of your country, and the majority of the world, dislike everything from his attitude to his friends and his policies. Everything from every angle is rotten, and 3/4 of your country (fact vs. Alt-facts) see it

Yes. And be relentless. No more euphemisms. I wanna see Spicer have an anxiety attack, and then nearly choke on an entire pack of gum.

I figured this would happen!

Oh, hi little boy. Did your parents get you a tablet for Christmas?

Donald Trump is the result of not having been punched in the nose by anyone.

The only thing weird about that photo is the green mesh thing (veil?) and the look on her face. I can appreciate the colorfulness of the photo.

That poor kid. Why?

Sort of off topic

The let them eat cake by the ocean is a lie.

I watched pro wrestler Tatanka cry for some drugs at 4am on a school night while working part time as a teenage garbage man. It was at this weird drug spot/mcmansion that was open 24/7 as a sort of an after hours spot for people in the know (crackheads with money). We happened to go to school with someone who lived

Is it safe to think that maybe Olivia Munn went from sorta funny nerdyish girl to Walmart Kardashian (ugh) in a long, played out way. Like it really wasn’t overnight.

Under Trump, this guy will have a reality show called “That’s Fine!” where every week we get to tune in to laugh at the wacky hijinx hypnomolesters get caught up in, and how “regular folk” just don’t “get” it.

I call Trojan horse.

Foil hat engaged. Is it on tight, mom? MOM!

I know it’s a recurring theme for me but I think this guy could do well with a punch in the nose. Once. Hard. That’s it. It’s often quite effective.