Oh. This seems like the most likely scenario. Thanks for that!
Oh. This seems like the most likely scenario. Thanks for that!
None of them are skeptical or suspicious of him in the least? Not one (1) of them has anything on the line with him/them in charge? It’s bizarre.
Fine. But Breitbart isnt the boss of America. Well...
Ooooh, but the pie has poison it it.
Oh, right!
Well, fight back. Right? Are they not “low IQ voters”?
Great response. Thank you.
How does society (or wtv) recover from this “50% of people have given up facts”? How do you bring them around after this? Some of those people have accepted that all mainstream media is “fake news/all lies” and everything is dishonestly against them. (This happened after cooler heads somehow made them see that the…
Im certain that that is the defacto stance of most of those guys. (Your bacon story works great as an analogy)
No doubt this is in full effect.
Why isn’t anyone speaking out against this shit? Sure, it’s reported on, and we here in our yuuuge echo chamber all seenit for what it is?
Pic or it didn’t happen.
Other related talking points I can’t stand:
Did she take that pic in Solange’s basement “room”? It looks like one of those mail order bride catalog pictures. And a reindeer doing kitty/puppy paws? Get the fuck out of here.
If you can’t BEET’em...
No briefings, but devotes lots of time to this kinda masturbatory nonsense. It truly is a thank you tour. Thank you Donald.
It’s the best support! Believe me. We support bigly. Rad!
It’s also this “showbiz” angle to it that I feel will just get worst. I really feel for what is truly the majority of Americans who didn’t want this guy to be where he is today and voted accordingly. Its a damn shame that things like integrity, honesty and character gets you shit today after all this effort in at…
So...does she actually “strum her own banjo” in there, towards the end? In front of a computer? Would watch, to see how awkward it is.
Well, I mean I care.