This is a good post.
This is a good post.
I can’t stand the “Pay tribute to your King!” shit going on. These shameless fucks - Romney, Gates are all taking a televised walk of shame to kiss his ring/ass for a possible piece of the pie. No one is going there to talk any sense into him. It feeds his ego, having that visible power.
It’s totally the look of a man who has spent a lot of time practicing in the mirror. He does it to ease his double chin and his neck.
Question: Why is it that the doofii RW keep harping that there is “no evidence” and that it’s part of the ongoing smear campaign vs. DT? Something about the CIA not coming out and saying/confirming anything. That its just more LW “fake news”.
Joe here looks like he’s doing that scotch tape thing like Pee-Wee does in the opening scene of Big Adventure.
Maybe he has some things to get off his chest, or some admiration to express.
Not a violent dude here, but, that Eric Trump’s face, demeanor and the shit for which it stands I would (tough guy talk incoming) punch him in the nose. Really hard. I really believe it would provide me with a true sense of relief, deep satisfaction, endless public praise and a much needed physical activity.
Is it just me, or is there something weird going on with Kanye’s eyes? Are they fucking blue? And he has blonde hair. Bizarro. He’s Bizarro Kanye. Eynak.
To be honest, my kids like it. It’s the closest thing to religious programming I’ll allow in this house. I bet Stupid Flanders finds it edgy.
The only “thing” this guy did was notice the note and do something about it.
Rex Tillerman sounds like a villain in a Simpsons episode.
Was just gonna post something similar...
I don’t usually harp on people’s looks, but Holy Space ghost is he ever visually unpleasant. Ol’ Joe and Adie look like really nice fucking guys in comparison.
And his supporters, who have been really critical of “Correct The Record” are all about this.
I mean, I’m not one to criticize someone’s looks, but to borrow from George Carlin - that man is really “visually unpleasant”.
Dear Rick,
He never will. And he’ll be laughing all the way to the WH with his basket of deplorable. He’s been handled with kids gloves all this time.
WTF is going on in the US and A?
Not sure why, but this comment made me laugh. I laughed not because funny, but because sad/true...
It reads like she's typing bits of conversation she heard about it, and is Tim Taylor-ing it to hell. She has no idea what it means. All she knows is she attended a red carpet with her feyonce and new face without much ridicule. Shes high on THAT rush.