
Also, what Biblical evidence do we have that Adam and Eve were the same race?Who knows what someone looks like when they’re made out of a rib? Maybe Adam looked like Idris Elba and Eve looked like Devon Aoki and Lilith looked like Taytay and Cain and Abel were little Naomi Osaka-looking Blasians.

Hard to feel sorry for him when he basically shouted from the rooftops, “I’M DOWN! WHATEVER YOU DO, PLEASE DON’T KICK ME!”

Not to mention the way SI forced him to go on TV at gunpoint!

Does he say how many resumes has he sent out?

I know which pull quote I’d use for my movie poster.

Good username/comment synergy.


Needs more clever toys

“A meritorious film” is faintest praise that ever damned a film.

Wow, his complaint isn’t that it’s a fascist stooge, but that it is someone in any way connected to politics. What a milquetoast take. 

I don’t even own a pod!

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Well, they’re not quite a pod, and not quite a cast, but man... heh heh.

How the hell has the world not become a fascist police state following two infiltrations of the highest level of powers resulting in mass destruction? I mean, jesus, we still can’t wear shoes through airport security and the shoe bomb didn’t even work!

They barely even speak Scottish!

Ah, the only self-curing form of insanity.

One quibble: A*** C*** was the pinnacle of that unfortunate trend.

I don’t know. Cake and ice cream?

Why doesn’t Ross, as the largest Friend, simply eat the monkey?

Do a Browns-Ravens deal with Jacksonville and London.