
You know how this would have end if you invited me.  Goal is to get out, I got out.

Yeah, some of those bookstore closings were amazing. A friend got a giant, insane solid wood album cabinet for, like, 20 bucks. The only problem was moving the fucking thing. 

Yes, only instead of being full of love, this one was full of volatile liquid hydrogen and oxygen.

See and that’s the thing.  Michelle Williams is so good she’ll actually make me believe she’s gonna make it, right up until that SRB breaks free from the ET and the shuttle breaks apart from aerodynamic stresses.

Oh, no doubt. 

If by Russian you mean ‘some shitty little dirt hole town in Arkansas’ and by ‘bot’ you mean ‘prick’, then yeah, most likely.

If not, then just a horrible racist misogynist.

What do you do for a living? Just curious. 

And yet, Threepio was the only one who got wasted in Cloud City

I’m Drunk

I guess it depends on the aircraft you are flying on.  Every flight (continental US) I’ve ever been on has the galley in the front as you’re boarding and there is no meal service.  So while this logic may work on flights using larger aircraft, it’s not definitive for all flights.

Not just happy, “happiest.”

Someone that hates hangovers and gets them easily. I chug a camelback or two full of water before I hit the hay after a night out. I regret it if I don’t. 

The Joker vs James Bond, now there’s a picture I’d pay to see.

I think we all know the reason why everyone is freaked ojt about this.

Eggaray Dahnmojo

I do not own any stock. I do own a house. I don’t know what you mean by the US government insisting that it owns a share of my house. I pay property taxes for my house. And yes, when the property value of my house appreciates, my property taxes likewise are higher because I pay a percentage of the value of my house in

The person you replied to suggested that Amazon (and Bezos) should pay its fair share. Your reply said “rich people already pay a lot!”

Crazy Rich Emmas!!!

Kids, don’t grow up to be a Brad.